What's best for me Right Now?

Day 2,418, 22:33 Published in Ireland Canada by Natster

I was asked a bunch of questions in regards to my recent articles in finance. The most thorough one being a detailed analysis of the tax system.

However, a wise player told me I should advise what is the best for players right now. They liked the end game, but pointed out that we are not there yet.

My Answer quite simply is until you can afford a q7 weapons factory the best bang for the dollar to grow your income quickly are the food factories.

Starting at level 1, your realized income is ~4.93 per day.
Upgrade all the way until L6 Food than repeat.
Be sure to keep your Food Raw Material (FRM) up as well. However at level 6, you can afford to buy FRM's to keep the L6 going if you don't want to waste energy building food for it. Keep in Mind though, FRM's and Weapon Raw Materials (WRM)'s only cost around .50 per building to work yourself.

With that in mind, you want to generate as much FRM's per energy as you can.
The best FRM to aim for to start off is a fishery. Make this your number one priority!. Here's why:
It costs 10 Gold (Approx 2k in currency)
It produces 125 to start, but because we have a bonus, it produces 175 FRM's.

Even @ .01 (current market rate is more than this), you would gross $1.75 for the work. Not much, I know, but it's a start.

So, What would you net?

Here are your costs ::
- 0.50 for Work tax (this is rounded for ease of math)
- 10 energy expended to replenish it will cost you .36 cents

After everything said and done, you would net as follows
1.75 - 0.50 - .36 = .89

Not great, but it is profitable. If you strength train every day, a couple of supersoldiers under your belt, and you will have your first fish depot.

Next target would be the Q1 Food Factory.

This also costs 10 gold.

Q1's will produce 140 food and use 140 frm (this leaves you with a surplus of 35 frm)
Current Market Value is .05
This gives you a net price when all the food is sold of $7

However, there a couple of taxes at play.
So now, you worked 2 companies for yourself.
Current work tax is 2%
Average Wage :: $24.81 * 0.02 = .4962
Round that to .50 and that is what you will be paying to work your own businesses.

You would have worked your FRM and your Food Factory
.50 @ 2 = 1.00 Cost to you.

Than there's VAT which on food is 5%. This is based on what you listed the food for. So, since we sold the food for $7, The Vat would be 5% of that.

$7 * 0.05 = .35 in taxes

Than I always say factor in energy cost to replenish.
It cost 10 energy per building @ 2 buildings. You used 20 energy.
10 energy costs .36 per unit. This gives you a total energy cost of .72

So our net works out as follows::

$7 - $1 - .35 - .72 = $4.93 per day in realized income!

What you think? Now Go Make some Cash!