We must be ready ! [CAT and ENG]

Day 2,309, 09:07 Published in Egypt Switzerland by Rontzerius


No sóc un CP de molts articles però crec que la situació s'ho mereix.

Fa uns dies vam aconseguir lliurar totes les regions i mantenir una batalla contra Grècia. Això va ser gràcies a les bones relacions que tenim amb molts CP's de l'aliança Aurora.

Gràcies a l'ajut que els vam donar i que HEM DE SEGUIR DONANT, el més segur és que ens ajudin.
Per tan guardeu-vos "xixa" que dintre de 3-5 dies haurem d'anar a la guerra i aquest cop no hi anirem sols, aquest cop guanyarem!


I don't love to do a lot of news but I think that I must do it now because I'm CP of Egypt.

Some days ago we had all of our country. This was because my government has a very good relationship with some of the CP's from Aurora alliance.

Thanks of them we had some regions. We must fight for them these days and they probably fight for us next days. If we do that we'll have congress.

Now we must save a lot of damage, in 3-5 days we must be ready to fight and have congress again. And this time we won't fight alone!

CP of egypt