Warfare analysis

Day 1,704, 14:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bean&teddy

Well today after seeing this
and because of the fact that my last one of these had pretty positive feedback I decided to do an update on the USA - Canada war.

Whats changed since last time? Well the big headline is that Canada won the first battle meaning this..

Looks the exact same as before. However this war is no longer just USA vs Canada but has involved numerous of it's surrounding eNAtions which will more then likely determine the outcome of the war. So lets have a look at some.

Earlier today Poland defeated France in South east of England. This looks like an attempt to join in on the war in North america, but they could do this through a few ways:

Firstly they could wipe France giving them border with Ireland. They could then NE Ireland and move through us to get to Canada.

A more likely outcome would be to wipe France and then NE Canada straight away from the newly conquered French regions.

Either way it will take a minimum of 7 days for Poland to join in on the war. (6 Days is minimum it would take to wipe France/ have no borders otherwise they would need to wait 7 days to NE Ireland or Canada again)

So Poland will obviously be a huge difference in this war but lets look at another factor.

Today Brazil were asked to MPP with Russia, a former TERRA ally but it looks like Brazil will vote no.

This could suggest that Russia aren't in the new group of friends that eUSA/Poland/Brazil/Spain have formed. So could we see a possible intervention of Russia in the war?

As you can see Russia border eUS region Alaska. Will russia come to the aid of their TERRA ally Canada and attack eUS? It wouldn't be too much too expect.

Spain will more then likely try to join in but I believe they will still be busy with Portugal RW's.

Also I would presume Mexico will try use this opportunity to liberate themselves.

So where does Ireland stand in all this??? Who knows? Yes we are MPP'ing Canada however I believe we still maintain good relations with both nations. Soon we will border Poland.

Will we attack them? I do not know but it is possible. What I do know is that if we go to war we will be victorious. We have waited long for a battle and if it comes to Irish shores we will be ready. \o/

As always your feedback is incredibly important so feel free to leave a comment. 🙂