Vote Funky Hum24n of the CPF to Congress for Newfoundland and Labrador!

Day 667, 16:20 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

I am Funky Hum24n, one of two CPF Candidates for the sublime region of Newfoundland and Labrador. I'm a level 18 Colonel with 4 Hard Worker medals and 1 Super Soldier medal. I am the Deputy Director of Domestic Affairs for the CPF where I work for the well known Gofarman. I'm also a former member of Bruck's Canucks. I joined them on Day 1 of their operation, learning and contributing to it's self-reliant economic structure and participating under its banner in the various battles in eCanada since the Fall of Ontario. I own a Moving tickets company in Ontario that employs lower manufacturing skilled eCanadians as well.

I started playing erepublik back in very early May. I joined the Canadian Empire Party in late May and have been an active supporter of the "eRight-wing" cause in eCanada ever since. In the June Congressional elections I campaigned in Newfoundland where I was shamelessly beat out by former Deputy PM Kelly Mahoney and an Hungarian.

Since then of course, eCanada has been irreversibly changed. New changes in our military, foreign affairs and politics are glowing beacons of that. But if we we truly demand war to leave us, then we must vote away the smug elite players of the current congress and put a new wind in it sails with new but familiar faces such as Tyler F Durden, Alaricus, myself and many others. We must put in place a Progressive and real opposition in Congress, where the reactionary and authoritarian Jacobi followers cannot stifle it as they have done in the past! The CPF and myself present this opportunity to eCanada and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Country and accountability will guide my actions.

I promise that at the end of my term I publish my voting record in congress.

I promise to post every day in the Congress forum.

I will push for the MoFA to speed up the near fulfilled goal of Canadian embassies in every other nation's forums.

I will never support any peace with PEACE that leaves a single region of ours and our allies under their control. I am not in favour in Canadian attacks beyond our borders and will never be closed minded to any neutral or opposing nation wanting to join EDEN. I am currently in full support of the CAF restructuring plan by Marcchelala.

Being apart of the Domestic affairs wing of the CPF, I am in full support of the current educational tutorials program for new players, as well as a continuation of all current social services.

I will support Bruck's theoretical loan system for eCanadians and Canadian businesses. I immensely support Q5 hospitals and bursaries for businesses, otherwise Canada will never be ready for any baby boom that our lackluster RL advertising might produce.

En conclusion, please on September 25th vote, and vote Funky Hum24n; a candidate who will uphold Newfoundland's underrated importance in our country.

I'll leave you with quote that will inspire me during my time as congressman if electe😛 "I claim for Canada this, that in future Canada shall be at liberty to act or not act, to interfere or not interfere, to do just as she pleases, and that she shall reserve to herself the right to judge whether or not there is cause for her to act." -Wilfrid Laurier

For more info on the CPF Congressional lineup: