Vampire Alert

Day 1,659, 09:24 Published in USA Cyprus by Vote Alert

Most common protective herb, used on windows, doors, around neck, possibly under armpits; mixed with water it can be sprinkled or sprayed throughout an area.

Placed around house.

Placed on windows or doors or in graves to distract vampires who are obsessive about untangling objects.

Seeds such as mustard or poppy are sprinkled on yards or walkways.

Oats, millets, and other grains are sprinkled on yards and walkways.

Holy water:
Vials can be thrown at vampires, poured into graves or coffins, or sprinkled on doors, windows, thresholds, and other areas.

Logs kept in house for their antievil powers.

Constant rining will drive away the undead.

An abundance of light deters vampires, especially if candles have been blessed.

Incense of the Latin rite preferred over the Eastern variesties, but both are acceptable and offer powerful protection.

Crosses are painted with tar on doors and windows.

Stab the vampire in the heart; also useful against the mara.

Placed on doors because they really annoy vampires when they cannot see their own reflection in them.

Stakes or pins:
Used to impale or pierce, but care must be taken to avoid spurting blood.

Magic or witchcraft:
Potent protections, but can be performed only by the trained.

Appeasement with bloo😛
Barely useful, but a method for stalling until help or dawn arrives.

Crosses or crucifixes:
The traditional method; the use of such sacramentals can hold vampires at bay or can render a gravesite useless to them.

Particularlyeffective amoung Byzantine or Othodox vampires.

Eating of blood brea😛
A method used in Poland.

Burial of wine:
A method used on Transylvania, not known in many other regions.

Drinking blood brandy:
A method used in Pomerania.

Consecrated host:
The sacramental is hard to come by and should be handled with care, lest sin of blasphemy cause user more problems than the visits of a vampire.

Always helpful.

But if zombie bite vampire 🙁 you f.cked run forest run 🙁

mümin kardeşlerim için vampirlerden korunmak çok daha kolay ve eylenceli olacaktır.

1.Gül suyu
2.iman gücü
4.hacı yağı
5.demirden korksak trene binmezdik gardaş

Sıçan adası hala bu konuda tartışılmaz güvenlige sahiptir...
tek sorun vampire dönüşürse birisi kaççak yer yok, herkes yarra yer ve daha sonra herkes vampir olacagından insan bulamayıp açlıktan gebeririz 🙁

Zira bu korunma yolları 3 e ayrılacaktır,
1.vampirden kaçmak
2.vampiri gebertmek
3.dişiyse lolololo lol olo lo lo

1.den başlıyorum olası bir vampir istilasında öncelikle sakin olmalısınız,
güvenli noktalara ulaşmayı deneyin ve yanınızda sizden daha yavaş ve besili bir panpa bulundurun!!!

2.vampirin kalbine kazık kafasına haydar veya sarmısak amcalardan birini kullanarak etkisiz hale getirebilirsiniz...

3.mümin kardeşlerim kutsal su yerine; gül suyu da kullanabilir.vampiri güzelce gül suyu ile etkisiz hale getiriyoruz daha sonra okunmuş kelepçe/ip ile bağlıyorsunuz.Bu kısım önemli vampir ısırabilir bu yüzden dişlerden korundugunuza dikkat edin...

Kurtarılması şart mecburi olan vampirler;