USA MPP Rejected...what next for India?

Day 744, 08:23 Published in USA Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

As we all know, the MPP proposal with the USA has been rejected. We will still hope that the honourable President and congressmen see that this mPP is critical to our survival and help us out as a show of good faith, since whatever happens, we shall not back down on the principles that have held us in good stead till now...freedom to choose and do what is right...neutrality.

To many it seems neutrality is an outdated concept and not viable, but India will still stay faithful to it as that is the only path to retain true freedom...if we get ground to dust for it, so be it...I have no doubt we shall return.

More than that, I have no doubt there are many nations who would understand our viewpoint and sympathise with us...and I am sure the good citizens of the USA are no different.

I hope USA reconsider as our Romanian MPP is expiring shortly and we will need to sign MPPs for our protection very very soon.

With hope ...
