United we stand, Divided we fall!

Day 731, 03:32 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


Well fellow eCiticzens of eUNL, at the moment we stand alone!

Over the last month many things have happened such as the split in our nation with the loss of Brussels and the current events with PEACE.

So where do we stand then?

While GLD and I&W are the parties that have supported the new PEACE plan many other parties of congress have not. The question that I am asking myself is the following:
Is the current congress truly representative of the will of the citizens of eUNL?

I believe that the answer to that question is a most definite NO!

Why you might ask is this the case?

Well it is simple we were divided last election. While certain members of congress fought for control of the Belgian Congress others looked more selfishly at their own interests. These people looked at their own interests.

During the last election 583 votes were cast in the belgian elections.
In the September elections of the eUNL congress 463 votes were cast compared to 344 of the october elections. I&W was one of the few parties that sent most of their members to vote in the elections.

It was during these October elections that it was agreed upon by party presidents of the different parties that there would be a representative congress and that no strategic voting would take place. This was however not the case and some parties used this to take control of congress.

The whole aspect of the credo United We Stand has clearly shown that we do not stand united but divided. And therefore I rather look at the credo as a whole United we stand and divided we fall.

We are currently in free fall!

By leaving PEACE at such a critical point of our nations history we are only asking for destruction of our nation and possibly the loss of Wallonia and thus letting the enemy gain a foothold!

I am therefore setting forth a motion in congress to say yes to peace and let the next congress decide if we step out of PEACE!

PEACE might not miss us as much as we need its support against our conflict versus EDEN agression.

I do believe that the next congress can be more representative of our nation. It can allow us to unite again and rebuild our nation. We can only do that with the help of our allies in PEACE! We must not let such a critical decision take place with out a true fight! We must unite again and rejoin PEACE and not stand divided and fall into oblivion alone.
