Understanding the neighbours of eGreece.

Day 1,333, 01:29 Published in Ireland Greece by Riggy
Edit: The cost of internet connection used to formulate this hypothesis was not correct. Vlad0.P wrote, "I pay 14 dolar per month for 160GB and there`s are internet packeg 7dolar`s for 80GB per month."

7 dollars a month would be something like the equivalent of a 35 euros connection in Greece. Still the double than what most of us pay, but not out of reach for common people

Now I am confused again.

I'll defend the case that the traits of our erepublik communities do not really depend on the "national traits" (whatever that might be) of the real life nations, but on the social composition of internet users in these countries.

There's been a lot of talk on why eFYROM citizens are (generally, not all of them ofc! Some of them are pretty good fellows) so rude, ultra nationalists, cheaters and big spenders. There has also been some talk between eGreeks concerning the reasons why so many eTurks are actually cool.

I'll throw in some stats just to formulate an hypothesis, they should suffice.

According to eurostat : http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Minimum_wage_statistics

Minimum wage in FYROM is 123 euros.
Minimum wage in Turkiye is 385 euros.

Now according to these stats : http://www.nationmaster.com/country/mk-macedonia-republic-of/int-internet

Internet connection in FYROM costs 25.33 dollars a month.
While Internet connection in Turkiye costs 11.61 dollars.

In other words, eTurks are common people like us all.

While eFyrom users (again, not all of them!) seem to be fellows that pay for internet access the equivalent of 1/5th of their fellow countrymen wage.

Now let's stop for a moment and think. If internet access in Greece costed 150 euros a month, would the eGreek community be the same?

So let's quit nationalist and racist rhetoric. It's all about class baby.

Now if these stats are not close to the truth, let me know and I'll take this article down in less than a second.