Turkish Stars birligine borç verme etkinligi ( etkinlik sonlandı, teşekkürler)

Day 1,437, 03:50 Published in Turkey Turkey by Kanunii Sultan Suleyman
neden borç istiyoruz:


bu projeden yararlanıp birligin gelirlerini oluşturup, dagıtımlara başlayarak organize vuruşlar yapabilmek için.

"borç istemeye utanmıyo musun, bide birlik kurmuşsun"

hayır efendim utanmıyorum, niye utanayım, pişkin pişkinde söylüyorum 85 liram 0.12 goldum var şu an.

birligi kurma nedenini http://tinyurl.com/6b9xq4f bu makalede belirtttik, 1 aydırda devam ediyoruz yolumuza.

Kime,Ne kadar borçluyuz :
Karagoz has transfered 30000 TRY to your account.(ödendi)
You have successfully donated 2000 TRY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
You have successfully donated 6500 TRY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

onetr has transfered 4000 TRY to your account.(ödendi)

GalaDaX has transfered 2000 TRY to your account.(ödendi)
You have successfully donated 2000 TRY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

manwe141 has transfered 500 TRY to your account.(ödendi)
You have successfully donated 500 TRY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

cCcBorgircCc has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
cCcBorgircCc has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
cCcBorgircCc has transfered 1000 TRY to your account.

Deplase has transfered 400 TRY to your account.(ödendi)
You have successfully donated 400 TRY. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

platin1453 has transfered 400 TRY to your account.(tank olarak ödendi)
Successfully transferred 17 item(s) to platin1453.