Trekker Predicts Things and Stuffs....

Day 2,656, 22:34 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Since everyone else is doing it, I might as well make some predictions. More than a couple will surely come true...

1) I predict that MaryamQ will endorse my article.

2) I predict Pfeiffer will like the following picture:

3) I predict greeling will like the following picture:

4) I predict that WildOwl and ViKy will eLive long and raise many owlets together. (Roughly 83-106 area in number of children)

5) I predict RGR will like the following picture:

6) I predict that RGR will read this article and be torn as whether he should pretend he did not read it or calling me a traitor

7) I predict that I will be called a copy cat.

😎 I predict that my last prediction is less likely now because I called them out on it.

9) I predict someone will call my article one of the following: Rubbish, Crap, Waste of space, or Sexy Lizard Time.

10) I predict that I will be the sexiest Fed ever to live.

11) I predict one or more of my predictions will be right.

12) I predict the previous prediction will be right.

13) I predict the following prediction is wrong.

14) I predict the previous prediction is wrong.

15) I predict like three people will laugh at the joke.

16) I predict that Schrodinger's cat is, in fact, alive or dead, but not actually both.

17) I predict the zombie apocolypse is going to start Tuesday.

1😎 I predict that in the future only lizards will be allowed to rule.

19) I predict I will get 138 votes.

20) I predict several people will endorse this article for its authenticity, but will be sadly mistaken

21) I predict many people will think I am lazy for copying something that has been done.

22) I predict the prediction craze will die off with a whimper.

23) I predict I will spank someone, and that they will like it.

24) I predict that I am sexy, and I indeed know it.

25) I predict that Sly will be Fed PP, someday...

And this has been my prediction article... I hope you enjoyed it...

Until next time...


Predictions by Trekker!