Tomorrow Starts Today

Day 1,184, 09:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Steina

Day 1,184 of the New World, today we start a revolution on eUK, today we will free ourselves from authority, today we will be anarchists.

I've won "There is no Party" PP elections and I will reform the party. I'm thinking on a new name to our little anarchist community, if you want to give some suggestions I'll listen to then 😉
I'm calling EVERY citizen on New World to join our party, doesn't matter if you are from Spain, Serbia, Poland, UK, USA, Canada, I want YOU to help me. Only YOU can make yourself stronger, CHANGE, make everything better, CONQUER new territories for YOU, not for "YOUR" COUNTRY.

If you are unhappy with your government, army, company or any authority, join us.
I've been member of the government and army before, so I know how to make it better, but I need your help, I need someone who wants to be strong , rich and known around the New World.
Beginners, by joining us, I will make you strong quickly, if you need gold, food, anything.
Workers, have you ever heard about autogestion? If no, autogestion is a system where you are a worker and the boss at same time, you make you salary, YOU'RE FREE!

To end, a little of Proudhon:
"Why, how can you ask such a question? You are a republican."
"A republican! Yes; but that word specifies nothing. Res publica; that is, the public thing. Now, whoever is interested in public affairs – no matter under what form of government – may call himself a republican. Even kings are republicans."
"Well! You are a democrat?"
"What! "you would have a monarchy?"
" A Constitutionalist?"
"God forbid."
"Then you are an aristocrat?"
"Not at all!"
"You want a mixed form of government?"
"Even less."
"Then what are you?"
"I am an anarchist."
"Oh! I understand you; you speak satirically. This is a hit at the government."
"By no means. I have just given you my serious and well-considered profession of faith. Although a firm friend of order, I am (in the full force of the term) an anarchist. Listen to me."

Later I will post more about anarchism and our revolution 😃