Thursday's Daily Dose

Day 2,501, 03:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nights0ul


"And there is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful."

-- Robin Williams


A clergyman had just enjoyed a hearty chicken dinner at the home of a rural parishioner. Gazing out the window, he remarke😛 "That rooster seems a mighty proud and happy bird."

"He should," the host replied. "His oldest son just entered the ministry."


A male friend of mine, an engineer at an aircraft company, works for a woman supervisor. She often shows up at work wearing buttons featuring feminist slogans. One day, her latest button, "Adam was a rough draft,"
proved too much for my friend.

The next day, he showed up at work sporting his own button: "Eve was no prime rib."


Helping my husband through university, I worked the midnight shift as an emergency-room clerk at the local hospital. One night at around 3 AM. several students. who obviously had been partying, walked in to watch our harried doctors and nurses.

After trying unsuccessfully to get them to leave, I dialed what I thought was the campus police. When a sleepy voice answered, I asked the man to come and pick up several people who were lying around, cluttering up the ER. "How many are there?" he asked.

Puzzled, I told him we had not bothered to count them.

After a long pause, the now wide-awake man said, "Lady, I sure hope you've got the wrong number. This is Woodlawn Funeral Home."


I hate it when I don't forward a chain letter, and I die the next day.