This is not a Confession.

Day 2,758, 07:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by James Connolly1916
eIrishmen and eIrishwomen

This is not a confession. Some of you might have realised it already, but before I tell you all, this is not a confession.

I am a communist....pure communist. I am entitled beliefs, as much as you are.

People think, because of US,English propaganda that this is what communism is:

1. Totalitarian ideology

2. Athiests (don't believe in god)

3. A failing system that never works.

That is what the US and English say because tey do not want to let communism in the world because it might affect their wages and ministerial cars.

This is really what communism is.....even the "Collins Dictionary" says:

"advocacy of a classless society in which private ownership has been abolished and the means of production and subsistence belong to the community"

Not all communists are atheists!. Not all communists support dictatorship! It is a lie made up to stop people voting communist!

It is the ideology that stands for the worker (as you can see above). This is what communism really is.



So, it isn't a confession; I'm communist and proud.

Don't fall so easily for capitalist propaganda. Just because one so called communist (Joseph Stalin) was bad it doesn't mean they all are. I despise Stalin. If there is a group of 10, 1 is not nice. Does that make them all not nice?

And remember: