Things the Military has Forgotten

Day 1,181, 16:33 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

This game? It’s a game. It is something that we do in our spare time, in between class, before bed, or before work. For 95% of us, this is true. And most of us will never become CPs because we simply do not have the time available. We have a life outside of our eLife.
And while we all enjoy a little role playing, whether it’s “The Revolution” or Dio, or just a o7. We all often times take it too far. And it seems as though The Military has taken it much too far.
We have created this organization that exists outside of eRepublik. Outside of it’s laws, and it’s flaws. And it’s leaders wish it to be run, like the Real Life Military. They like the ideas of Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Chain of Command, and branches, and divisions, and platoons. And they like the idea of Congressional Funding. They like this idea very much.
But yet, they have no desire to serve at the will of The POTUS. They have challenged Executive commands before, claiming that the president has no right to order them. That the President is merely an adviser.
You cannot have it both ways. You cannot tell your soldiers to respect Chain of Command, when at the highest levels, YOU yourselves are not respecting it! You cannot accept as much public funding as you do, and then not listen to public criticism. The military is in no way above any citizen of this country. Whether they are oldfags, newfags or polifags. The only thing that we do differently than the rest of the country is that we are given food, and told when, where and how many times to press the attack button. We are not special. We are not unique, nor better than anyone else. If you want public funding, then you need to do as you are told. Let iNCI in. They have yet to harm the Country. Listen to your soldiers. They are smart, and want what is best for the nation, and for the military.
On a personal note, it is so goddamn frustrating to be told “respect chain of command.” This is a game. Just because you’re been in the military longer, does not make you better than me. The only thing your rank means is that you’ve been here longer. I understand that Senior Officers have more access to information. And I respect that I don’t know everything. But good grief… lighten up. This is a game. And you are ruining it for people.
You claim retention. But yet, look at the people that your actions, (either directly, or indirectly) are forcing out of this country, and this game. I guess I just didn’t notice that we were in the middle of a baby boom, and had thousands of people trying to join our ranks. Not that you would let them in anyways. The group currently responsible for our population numbers are being looked at “on a case by case basis,” for acceptance into the military. This is the same group that recently took over the #5 party spot. You’re playing with fire if you’re denying the same people that give you the money you so desperately crave.
This game? It gets taken too seriously. This is a browser game, for chrissakes. Milfags aren’t saving America by killing our enemies, just as Polifags aren’t changing the course of history with each new vote. Relax, and treat people nicely.
This game? Needs to be treated as such.