There can be only 1 Nambawan

Day 2,997, 01:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

In he olden age the dark times THERE was to be elected a man Winabear Hopeful Spit

Im a MAN...

At the beginning of 2016 God decreed there can only be 1 Nambawan . Not every man will be nambawan he decreed and not every SPIT will be Nambawan. And God made Cyrulis(RAVEN ANARCHO) because every good nambawan needs a nambatwo in case he f*s up. So Nambawan arose from out of the ashes of his corrupt tins and alleged misdealing with other peoples money. NAMBAWAN was stronk.

And God spoke to Nambawan and told him Nambawan you must love everyone and Nambawan heard you must make love to every good looking woman and God said Nambawan share the money equally between everyone and Nambawan heard distribute the money among your friends. And God said you must be the father of the nation and Nambawan heard you must father the nation. And Nambawan arose from his recliner chair and said I will father the nation make love to every good looking woman and distribute all of the monies between my friends.

And so it was from that day forward whenever Nambawan arose from his recliner chair he fathered the nation , made love to good looking woman or not so good looking woman because that triple d the love and distributed the monies between his friends.

And also Nambawan was also doing something called being country president and enraging the people with his wild spending and love making. But Nambawan remembered when God decreed take care of the poor and he heard take from the poor something like that hoodrat robin used to say. so he didnt quite care about the other stuff he was supposed to be doing so he worked it inbetween his routine because as he understood the poor decree they should pay for his trips and lavish lifestyle and extra big shower heads.

And he laughed quite a lot at the jokes they sometimes told in parliament about some broken man and someone who was spending their money like crazy. He vowed to find this person and have a proper talk to him. Because God decreed only Nambawan can spend their money like crazy. And they screamed pay back the money. And Nambawan heard My first my last my everything because Nambawan found it distracting to listen to speeches in parliament and had installed a secret iPod in his ear so that he can drown out their encouragements.

And Nambawan went to parties and he would meet his friends there and it would make him depressed because Nambawans friends was poor they only had like 1 million dollah and they only drove later model BMW's . They was so poor they sometimes wore their GUCCI shoes for like 2 months before getting a new pair. And Nambawan would cry a bit and asks his poor friends so can you build and they would say No and Nambawan would say but you can try right and so his friend would blush and say well if you want me to try and build bridges and high risers and stuff I can yes I think I can try and build a road or bridge. So Nambawan would take his magic wand that some pesky people called the treasury and he would endow his poor friends with like 40 million dollah so they can get some builders to try and build a road or a bridge.

And Nambawan would go to some rural settlement where there was only sink houses and he would smile as he see the 20 member poor family glued in front of their 9 inch television and Nambawan would take out his wand and swoosh it over the family and take their 9 inch television so that he could distribute their wealth to his poor friends.

And Nambawan had 6 wifes because Nambawan knew like with 5 or 1 he could never father the nation and Nambawan each night went to different wife's and fathered the nation as God decreed in his ultimate wisdom. And Nambawan was not a selfish man and would father neighboring villages and towns. And each new child would open his eyes and say Namba Namba wan and here would come a glow in nambawans chest so he would take a Rennie as this helps with acid reflux.

And as Nambawan went around the country he remembered the first decree make love to every woman and Nambawan would gather whole villages and make certain he made love to every decent looking woman. Nambawan did not want to spread UGLY as he knows one can never undo UGLY and it would hang like a curse over that household for generations.

And if you listened with just the right ear you could hear the children of Nambawan popping into existence their cries of Namba Namba wan drowning out the pesky night insect noises.

And Nambatwo would sometiems tell Nambawan about some what he called political ter moles that was becoming a problem in the garden of Sweden(just kidding relax its not in sweden dont start imagining swedish girls)and Nambawan would throw like a 40 million dollah bag to Nambatwo so that he could hire some political terminator ok arnold i will be back schwarzenegger

And as time went on and Nambawan carried out his sacred duties everywhere he wenT he would be greeted father and he would win electiOns like 400 million to 20 million because Nambawan was not a lazy man.

And AS Nambawan flew over his vast countries it was becoming too dangerous to try and ride on the bridges roads and other pesky stuff they called infrastructure he would think back to that day they elected him Nambawan and he would laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.

---THE END---