The True ILP: Betrayed Principles

Day 1,930, 07:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

Division in the Left
The newly refounded Labour Party has caused uproar amongst the core of its predecessor party, the Independent Labour Party. Not entirely unexpected, or unjustified, given how quickly the change was made. Not to mention the return of the old guard of the original Labour Party, there is no love lost between the old LP and the ILP people.

The problem for the core of the Independent Labour Party comes in who they've decided to back for President.


Profile of a Scoundrel

In all respects, save one, the ILP crowd's choice of President is highly unusual.

MUFC is not a socialist, in any respect. His financial policies are entirely reliant on subsidies from abroad (subsidies that are immediately revoked whenever someone he doesn't like gets elected), and his consciousness about economic issues isn't exactly stunning. Instead, he's more content to overspend on the military and dump the problem on others, namely MikeBane and myself.

MUFC's political behaviour is barely better than the kunts he claims to hate either, supporting TOs of parties and bringing in people from abroad to interfere in our politics. This is the man the "True ILP" want to be President?!?!

The biggest surprise has been MikeBane.
How in the hell he has seen fit to support MUFC, I have no idea. He should recognise the tactics of the revolutionary in how the ILP was transformed with ease. He should also recognise the mark of the enemy in MUFC's behaviour.

If the "True ILP" wanted to support someone who isn't a PTOer, they could have supported Moomoohead. Regardless of Libertad and his seemingly unwavering capitalism, the man is a proven patriot of this country. If they wanted to vote for a socialist, they could have held their noses, and got on board with the Labour Party project.

They did neither of those things.

Brother fighting brother

Instead the "True Independent Labour Party" opted to betray their two main principles: Socialism and loyalty to clean politics.

As the original founder of the Labour Party, this is all very disappointing. Uniting Republicans and Socialists was the aim of the Labour Party, yet now they are at each other's throats, screwing each other over at every moment, instead of working towards a united socialist republic.

How I despair of my country.