The Third Issue

Day 1,092, 17:34 Published in New Zealand Austria by Ludoviko la Nepreparita

Thank you for reading the third issue of ‘The Britannian’. We appreciate any comments or suggestions!

eRomania Fights For Its Colonies

eRomania is currently experiencing resistance wars in multiple locations. In the east, eRussia has attacked the eRomanian occupied regions of Urals and Central Black Earth, eRussia. More towards the homeland, the recently eRomanian dominated nation of eHungary is fighting to regain some of its territories. (No. Hungary, Central Hungary, and Northern Great Plain) to the southern border of the eRomanian home country, eSerbia has attacked Banat, eRomania.

Aux Armes Les Citoyens!

ePoland has invaded eFrance! After nearly finishing off eGermany and successfully pushing the eUK out of continental Europe (however the eNeth. Has control of their territories) ePoland has moved into Lorraine, eFrance. (Maybe they thought if Germany and France have been fighting for this region over and over, maybe it’s worth us having as well! XD)

Meanwhile! The eUK has made a step to push back the eCanadian occupation in their northern regions in the form of attacking West Midlands, eCanada.

Give It Back!

The eUSA has recently had their share of set backs within their own colonies; they were recently kicked out of eIndonesia. Now, eIndia has attacked West Bengal to try to regain more of its regions. On top of that, eChina has attacked Chongqing, another one of the eUSA’s posessions.
(Talk about a tough week…)

We, the staff of the newspaper ‘The Britannian’ ask you to please go to this article by Kiwi Kontrol and read it if you have not already done so.

Maintenant, c’est le temps pour la section favorite de tout le monde, la section française! (Probablement non, mais il est ici.)

l'eRoumanie Combatte Pour Ces Colonies
Dans l'eRoumanie, il y a beaucoup de guerres de résistance. Dans le est, l’eRussie à attaqué les régions que l’eRoumanie occupe, Urals et Central Black Earth. Plus proche de la patrie de l’eRoumanie, l’eHongrie a commencé des guerres de résistance en Northern Hungary, Central Hungary et Northern Great Plain ; l’eRoumanie. Dans le sud, l’eSerbie est entré Banat, eRoumanie.

Aux Armes Les Citoyens!

Dieu sauve l’eFrance! L’ePologne a attaqué l’eFrance. Après ça, il avait conquéri la quasi-totalité de l’eAllemagne. Aussi, l’eRoyaume-Uni est parti de Europe continentale.

En Grande-Bretagne, l’eRoyaume-Uni a poussé l’eCanada dans West Midlands, eCanada.

Retournez-le moi!

Les eEtats-Unis n’a l’air pas très bon. Récemment, les eEtats-Unis ont perdus ses colonies en l’eIndonsie. Maintenant, l’eIndie a attaqué West Bengal pour retrouver ces régions. Et Aussi. L’eChine est entrée Chongqing, une autre possession de les eEtats-Unis.

En Nouvelle-Zélande
Nous suggérons que tout le monde lire cet article de journal, si vous n’avez déjà lu.
(Malheureusement, il est en anglais.)

This issue’s humour section is dedicated to the diversity we humans possess. It may not necessarily be a good diversity sometimes, so that’s why we have these…

Be honest, who noticed the Inuyasha poster first?

I do not necessarily support any of the ideals shown in the humour section. I just saw them and laughed and decided to share. How did I do? 😃