The Switzerland Scoop #6

Day 789, 08:21 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512
and God help us all if I win.

So, citizens, this is why you should vote me for Congress!

1) I am cool.

2) I know lots about politics.

3) I have ice cream.

Well, after that wonderful presentation, you are all probably hyped up just to vote for me! First, you should see exactly what I plan to do if I become a Congress member.

1) Eat ice cream (That one's a given).

Actually's that about all I'd do as congress member. Anyone who followed this from the presentation link, that formally ends my presentation. Yup, that's right.

Now, since THAT'S over, I can actually get started on the real article.

1st order of business... STINKY FISH
Here's what I've been seeing (this is a direct quote).

"Fish can stink, yes they can. Read more what you should do if fish stinking strong. Sentenced because spamming with unverified & unfounded accusations"

Now, as you can see, this stinky fish business sounds serious. So I did a little bit of background research, and this is what I got.

What kind of joke is this? That poor stinky fish couldn't hurt anybody! I have to say, I've accused weiner dogs and cheese, but this stinky fish business is going too far.

Anyway, second order of business, Switzerland's plans to take over the world. I've been doing some thought, and I decided that instead of killing PHOENIX and EDEN one by one, we should just let them fight it out.

While they kill each, other, we can get ready for our INVASION OF AFRICA!

Yeah, I here you naysayers out there, "It's impossible, it's impossible!" Well guess what? That's exactly why they won't expect it! Before they know it, Africa will be ours!

And that concludes today's article. Remember, I'm awesome, and so are you! Not as awesome as i am though, but still pretty awesome. That's awesome, innit?