Day 3,102, 11:16 Published in Germany Germany by OttoderVolksstimme

I will give my opions on the political state o eGermany, and i will start off by saying that our current leader is not making right decision just look at the allance we are in. The name of it is the banana alliance it is an utter joke and we need somev allys not some terrabile excuse of an alliance. So far i have tried to stay out of politics but it is in such a state of despair that i had to talcked about it. Mr.iphen is not a dummy i will say but he needs to do more to insure that the german nation does not get bossed around. But i need to add some of my war plans to the mix, Mecklenburg has been freed so has North Rhine, And fighting is happeing in Hamburg.

til next time auf Wiedersehen