The Pied Piper

Day 3,295, 16:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We see in our media or my feed

1. Harliquinn felt her rl boyfriend or whatever does not get a fair shake.
2. Wizard Kelly feels his party was done in by Hank Scorpio.
3. Keetnawilson feels that congress does not matter.

There is no need for any of this negativity. Wizard : A normal player would have gathered the necessary funds and established a new party it would cost 40 gold. But instead their sticking in the party waiting for the next elections and apparently not fully voting for their own party. Uhhh dont know about your claims. If you had good party going why not restart and then gather in all your supporters to vote for a position with no power. Congress does not exist in its normal form. Your too negative for the pseudo congress so mmm. Some people form the opinion of people pretending to drown in 2 cm of water. Wizard /WHS /Keetna Im hoping that most people understand that all your supposed complaints is just all for the show and to gather some political points. Take a leaf out of of Trumps book yes he lambasted his opponent but he actually also promised to help the working class. Many of his support as was discussed in the life election feed came from unions getting their people to vote him. Your politics is lame as it does not really address any gaming concerns of the players(not people) of this game that is situated in eireland.

Harliquinn :- what ye sow so shall ye reap. ATM your both just being negative for the sake of negativity. You carried members in that party that destroyed the IA and even cheered them on. Why would people really look kindly upon your actions. Your more like our protesters - the rock thrower looking for another people to throw rocks with him. And your isolation is due to your own actions for example why would you be the grinch in an advent calendar for vark steaks. And are you not losing it if you demand respect for a character your husband role play in this game.
Threw it on the ground

And finally Keetna here its kinda ironic : Keetna demands a certain system of government when she has been in the game 2 weeks. Any other system is not acceptable to her just because in her point of view every thing based on real life should be implemented 100% like the real life. I mean nobody lifes under a dictatorship. Does it mean that a dictatorship is a bad system in a game where one can make of anything in a game what you want using meta gaming.

Keetna your in fact the one person who is set in her ways and without vision: Ironic aint it.

Ok so just be more positive it cant be that bad can it:

I think your missing we hit 54 billion in damage this week: Which is really good.

this is after all a military game with a political component added on it 😃

So enjoy the fighting.