The Great War Comes Home?

Day 747, 23:28 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Finally the wheel seems to be coming full circle. The war was begin by PEACE and they took it all the way to the last American region but then slowly, inexorably, they got pushed back and out of North America.

The next phase began in Europe with Sweden, Finland, Croatia an dthe war pretty much stayed static. Everyone knew the BIG push by the USA and the allies was in the one knew just when.

At last the day has come as Japan becomes the first nation to go under the cosh. This fire will burn through China and then most likely move into India as USA and its allies plow relentlessly to do to Indonesia what Indonesia did to them.

What is India to do?

Lot of thinking to make sure the decision we take is for the best of eIndia.

(everything below is my personal opinion only, NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S STAND)

What in my opinion is most important for us?

We have been neutral and should always remain neutral. We should not take sides, that is what our foundation was built on, that is how people will remember us and respect us. We have but 1 objective...get our regions back and we should continue focusing on that. This war is not ours and we have our own war to contend with, as you should always remember, that the victors of today could be the losers of tomorrow and what is important is that we stay strong in out goal of being fair to all.

Will we get destroyed for staying neutral?

Quite possible!!! seems the most fashionable thing is for small countries to get swallowed either way but what is important is we maintain our dignity, so that we come back stronger. remember, this is a game, a virtual world and destroyed today means a much stronger nation tomorrow.

This is my stand and shall always remain the same...

jai Hind...Victory for India...let us get our regions back!! West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, here we come! 🙂