The Death of America

Day 2,022, 13:43 Published in USA USA by Jude Conners


Greetings and Salutations, My Fellow Americans and Ajay:

I want to start off by congratulating Paul Proteus for having class and bowing out of the race with class. Paul, I would have voted for you as CP, but the fact that you are such a stand-up guy has made me love you even more. Take it homo or no homo, but I just wanted you to know that, bro. Run again soon! You are one of the few who show class here and do as you say. For that, I applaud you.

For those that don't know, about twenty days ago, I left the Federalist Party because I was tired of politics with this community the eUSA. As the month went on, the choice was proven to be the right one. The Federalist Party as a whole has fallen COMPLETELY off its rocker, and the USA community as a whole has been blindsided and reduced to in-fighting and is guilty of aggravated stupidity. At a time when we should be focused on a war with what might be the strongest nation in the game, we are dissolving into a Civil War in the metagame and weakening ourselves more and more as a united nation daily. If we aren't arguing about a coalition of militias, we are arguing about which party should have it's name first in ATO Operations. When we aren't arguing about which party should have it's name first in ATO Operations, we are arguing about "UNITY". Lost in the shouts and articles about butthurt are the actual shouts and articles telling us where we should be fighting. It's all pretty freaking sad. We almost DESERVE to be wiped off the map.

Let's go back to May 25th, the day of Congress elections. It was early in the morning when we learned quickly that something was definitely wrong. Instead of a line-up of qualified AMP candidates, AMP's candidate list was as follows:

Free Area then revealed to everyone that he was actually a Serbian sleeper, who had come into the eUSA eighteen months prior for a Serbian PTO mission. Personally, I give kudos to him for being such a fantastic player... working his way up one of the Top Five parties until he was finally elected as the party president, but that is neither here nor there. Ultimately, the nation joined together... now with two of the Top Five parties in the power of enemy factions. Well... the nation joined together... for a few hours or so.

With shouts all over the place warning people to not vote for the AFA or AMP in the elections, ATO seemed to be working well. Faced with a new clear and present danger, Americans joined together. Non-PTO members of AMP and AFA left the party to vote for non-PTOers and the USA's own gazillionaire, Max McFarland 3 took it upon himself to reward many with CC he purchased with RL money. The eUSA was a community unlike what I have seen since returning to eRepublik.

That lasted for all of a few hours, however. Eventually, leaders of the United States Workers Party and the We the People Party grew enraged at the following shout: AMP and AFA are PTO'd. Vote for Feds, USWP, or WTP!!!

I mean, why should the Feds be listed first? Neither alphabetical nor ranking order should determine who gets listed first, right? Ultimately, there is no reasoning for this kind of butthurt when something more important is going on, like defending America from a PTO. Country>Party>Self, right? A disgraceful ending to a disgraceful night, although the ATO Operations were mostly successful.

The next election after this debacle is coming up in the next couple of days, the Country President elections. Here in the Land of the Free, we are forced to deal with Ajay Bruno (and the new Free Area) threat by utilizing a process known as "Unity voting". This process creates a way to promote a "safe" candidate (a non-PTO candidate) for the Presidential elections to compete against the Ajay/PTO candidate. Each party holds a primary, and winner of the most primaries become the Unity candidate and is then supported by all of the participating parties. This has been going on for awhile now, and I personally feel that it is a crock of sh!t, but it is what it is, I guess.

At the beginning of the current terms of the party presidents of the Top Five parties (sans AFA) and the major Sixth Parties, President Artela met with the newly-elected party presidents to discuss the Unity process. Should it continue, be amended, or scrapped altogether? The overwhelming consensus was to continue Unity voting for at least another month, and each gave their word to once again participate in the process.

Until yesterday, that is. Apparently, if your candidates loses, that voids any and all agreements to safeguard the nation. Well, according to the Feds, that is. In the words of the Federalist Party President, bigcdizzle: The Feds will not endorse a candidate this month. in his childish article full of butthurt and whining. He also shows a complete lack of class and tact; just like his party members who have all changed their avatars to a calendar with the Number “31” on it. Luckily, the candidate that they are all butthurt about has more class than the lot, and has already backed the winner of the Unity process.

I’m quite sure I will get the standard "lapdog" comment from the new Pfeiffer and tons of butthurt in the comments below from those who have no idea what I am saying here, so let me be clear: Stick to your word, despite the changes and Change what is wrong with the system instead of acting like a four year old with Asperger’s syndrome.

You don’t agree with Unity elections?
➲Vote for a party president who opposes it.

Your party wants to support their own candidate?
➲Don’t participate in the Unity process ever, not only when the party is butthurt.

You want to not be the laughing stock of every person seeing this from the outside?
➲Quit being butthurt derps!

You don’t want people to call you Pfeiffer?!
➲Don’t act like a version of him with tits.

In under thirty days, people in leadership of each of the top parties have acted like spoiled children. None have been innocent, not the Feds, nor the USWP, nor WTP. With each, nothing has been solved and the cracks in the community has gotten wider and wider. It is time to stop acting like idiots and expecting things to go your way, then whining when they don’t. It’s time to put your foolish pride aside and do what you have agreed to do. With each stupid act, you are killing the eUSA even more. How much more can it take before we see the death of America?

Jude Conners
President, Joy Division
Station Manager, RadioStar
Division Commanding Officer, Ultramarines