The Cure for Serbia's Scurvy

Day 1,446, 02:57 Published in USA Ireland by Artaxerxes Pavonis

Our Deep South's fruit resources have local horticulturalists saying that Serbia's invasion of the eUSA was due to wide-spread Scurvy among the Serbian populace, and a plan from Serbian officials to cure the disease.

For those who don't know, Scurvy is a disease that attacks the mouth and gums, resulting in a rather unpleasant Pirate's Smile. "Arrrh ye mateys."

For a more detailed description of Scurvy, follow this link to Wikipedia, at your own risk.

So while the Serbs have been chowing down on our Mississippi Made Watermelons and our Famous Florida Oranges (Good thing we still have Our Washington Red Apples), Serbian Dental Hygiene has drastically increased. Allowing for Serbian Solders to have Brilliant white teeth.

But don't worry eAmerica! Because we still have our Beloved Beef- Its whats for Dinner.
