The Bastion: Moving to Norway

Day 2,966, 04:18 Published in Norway Netherlands by Spir Tus

The Bastion is usually my personal serie of articles which contains theories and political analysis. This time the content of the article will be slightly different. I am happy to anounce I am accepted as a citizen of eNorway! I'm very thankful for everyone who voted me in. Special thanks to M. de Ruyter, Joshua Morriseau and Xibbard 😃

Leaving eNL

I think it will be nice if I explain why I chose to leave the eNetherlands. Since I joined this game 1,5 years ago, I have always been a politician who tried to improve the democracy. This is partly because I entered a party with some principles I agreed with. Democracy was the highest goal for me and everything I did was to improve this democracy. I was very law driven. Everything should be in the law. If it isn't there, you can do whatever you want within the law.

But the last few months I saw the community change and even I changed too. I made one statement which was purely out of self interest and anti-democratic in principle. Although the outcome of the decision was supposed to improve the activity and therefore the democracy in the long run. Thanks to the issue with the change of command in DAF I realized my own intentions to improve the democracy aren't supported by the community. As a representative of the people, it is my task to voice the opinion of the people in politics. If this opinion is totally against my own effort and thoughts of the past 1,5 years, then I can't do my job properly.

Leaving politics is no option for me. That's the only thing I do in this game besides training and working (which you can see if you look at my astonishing amount of 0 BH medals). To prevent myself from getting inactive, I decided to move to another country to get new motivation and inspiration in this game.

Joining eNorway

Why did I move to Norway? I didn't think about Norway in the first place. But then I heard about their Chilean problem and in my Dutch party we got the message they looked for additional congress members to help them. At that time it wasn't possible to move, but it helped by making the decision to leave eNL and move to another country. The other possibility was moving to eItaly. That would have been a weird choice for me, but I'm learning the Italian language and thought it would be nice to practice it more by writing and reading in eItaly. However there were some problems. My Italian isn't good enough to completely understand everything, so that would maybe result in me getting inactive. Secondly, Italy is considered an unfriendly country by eNL, which meant requesting expat status would be very difficult.

So I chose to contact the Norwegians about my immigration. As a CP of eNL I had already some contacts in eNorway and even before I spoke sometimes a lot with some. The communication between me and the Norwegians was always very nice so in the end moving to Norway was the best option for me.

The future

I won't join politics in Norway for some time. Partly because this is forbidden, but I also want to see what this country is like and to get to know the people and parties first. I hope I will be able to continue my newspaper in the meantime. I'm not very consistent in writing articles, but I hope I write at least some articles in the upcoming months about eNorway or other things I see.

I'm very happy I am part of eNorway now! Thanks again to everyone in Norway for approving me! 😃

Spir Tus
A Bastion of Truth