The AGU Firestorm, and The Ambitions of Hungary

Day 498, 17:28 Published in Germany USA by Alex Lawrence

"Divide et impera"
Julius Caesar

Good Evening

Tonight, we discuss recent events in the new battleground between PEACE and ATLANTIS, Germany.

Main Article

It is now clear that PEACE is in a battle centered around pride over Germany. Germany has experienced a wave of new battles over the last two days in the shadow of Pakistan's fall, and is suffering the full focus of PEACE efforts to split the Austro-German Union forged months ago. Though it is unclear at this time whether PEACE even cares about a potential flanking by the Romanians, what is clear is that long developed tensions and grudges have become manifest across the AGU, that being the original Austrian regions of the union.

Austria has reclaimed 3 regions thus far, those being Lower Austria, Salzburg and Tyrol, with Styria next on the list, that is, if the Hungarians are to be refused. Hungary has also invaded Styria, and there are rumors (very unreliable ones) that the region is to be given to Hungary should victory be attained. This would add two Austrian regions to the Hungarian map, the first being Burgenland which they obtained from a previous war.

Regardless of who takes Styria, the intentions have been made absolutely clear by PEACE and its regional member nations: Germany will pay for their decision to join ATLANTIS. Of course, there are some native Austrians who are condemning Metallon, the leader of the Austrian revolutionary movement, for not being true to the Austrian cause for not getting Burgenland back from the Hungarians. Accused of being a pawn of PEACE by many, Metallon has continued to twist his words in order to acquire an Austria suitable to PEACE's standards, trying not to anger Hungary.

The biggest winner in this whole scenario is Hungary, who will be able to pick and choose its future targets after this war. With the division of the AGU, Hungary can war with Austria or Germany when it pleases, and they will be unable to help each other should they ever be inclined to band together again. Some say that PEACE and Hungary will not betray Austria, but, considering the small population of Austria, a quick and effective backstab could make Hungary a serious threat to all its neighbors and a true regional power instead of its backseat position at the moment. In relation, Hungary attacked Croatia, but retreated within minutes after seeing Croatia's massive amount of alliances (8 in total). This shows that Hungary at least realizes where it is beaten (Croatia) and where it can win (Austria-Germany), but this blunder has opened a new doorway for ATLANTIS to attack PEACE.

Germany is facing a large storm with this wave of PEACE aggression, and will most likely lose all of Austria, but is poised to be a strong force for ATLANTIS in the future regardless. With a weak Austria (lacking some original regions) and a possibly besieged Hungary through Croatia, Germany has great potential to grow into a great power.

Mindtaker has brought this to my attention (I'm not from Croatia so I didn't know this):

"The reason why Hungary retreated from Croatia is not the mentioned above (because of the MPP's), but instead when they activated our MPP's, Germany automaticly went into the war state with Hungary, so Hungarians then could perform blitzkrieg on Germany, without voting and proposing the war. That was their intention whole time, to catch Germans on sleep, and not giving them chance to prepare for battle and support their defences in Styria..."

If this is in fact true, it's an even GREATER blunder on the part of the Hungarians. Purposefully making Germany hostile through an attack on Croatia leaves Hungary vulnerable to a large chunk of ATLANTIS. If they did this on purpose, the Hungarian people elected an idiotic leadership.

Another Edit

Apparently there was a bug involved in this scenario, which involved Poland and a number of other manuevers. The main point is this: Hungary attacked, was thwarted by some sort of bug and an idea that was faulty to start with, and has left them open for further attacks from ATLANTIS.

In Other News

Ukraine has continued attacking Romania to block Romanian advances against Indonesia.

The second round of Baja war games has started for the US. Wellness and experience abound for the carefree nation of America.

Canada has signed an alliance with Spain, and the US with Croatia (which was activated when Hungary attacked as mentioned above).

Serbia lost Raska to Croatia, leaving only the regions of South Serbia and Sumadija left. Large verbal fights echo all across the forums in Balkan.

A RW is currently going on in the Volga-Vyatka Region under Norway's control. No one really cares though.

That's all we have for today. Be sure to vote, comment and subscribe! Ad space is available, PM me for details.