STFU and Fight.

Day 1,717, 11:29 Published in USA USA by Bradley Reala

Do you know what this shout represents? The exact opposite of what America needs.

Over the past month, I've been one of the loudest voices for a civil war in this country, not because I hate the eUSA, but because I've become sick and tired of a government that has sucked for almost two years straight. That stance, that civil war is the solution, was wrong, because it was a divisive attitude that only served to shove wedge deeper between the organizations in this country.

I don't support the government, but I do realize that my call for a civil war was wrong, and will always be wrong.

Lets have a quick history lesson, shall we? Two years ago I was President of the United States. At that time we were under attack by Russia, dealing with a new war module and economic module, and were outclassed on all sides by our opponents. Shit sucked, but that's not my point. At that time the eUS Military was still part of the eUS Government, and it was Seal Team 6, Easy Company, Bear Cavalry, and a few others (I apologize if I don't mention you, my memory fails me as of late) who were free-lance.

To clarify, that means that the eUS Military worked directly with the CP. The JCS helped create strategy, and if the President knew what he was doing, he actually listened to the guys who made it their lives in this game to study the war module. The Seals, Easy Company, Bear Cavalry and the others didn't. That's not to say they didn't fight for the eUSA or do incredible amounts of damage for the eUS, but they didn't get their orders from the CP.

At that time, while there was some friendly competition, ultimately there were not these stupid and utterly unhelpful tear down and smear campaigns that we have today. Yeah, every organization's going to have a little fun, prodding at the others, but we didn't all out demonize certain organizations for not taking government money in the way we do now. There was not this sheer negativity that there is today.

The problem here is certainly the people, but it is also the mentality. We have pushed each other and pushed each other to the point that this is no longer a country.

It's time to fix this. It's time to stop taking pot shots at each other, quit whining and bitching about your rivals in the USAF or eUS Military, and for once, take a look at the guy in the other uniform and remember that we're all pointing our rifles at the same guys.

The eUS Military and ST6 had a great moment recently, when we both stood down from what we all saw as an unjust war. It's time to take that further, to quit with the name calling, the attacks, and the dumbass bullshit. Take pride in your uniform, be it eUS Military like mine, USAF like Deificus', or EZC like Gnilraps. Take pride in it. Build it up, quit trying to tear the others down. The eUSA used to be a class act, it's time to quit dicking around and be that unified country that our enemies feared.

I've said this to many people, but it rings truer today than ever before. In this game, there are many things that don't matter. Battles don't matter. No region will stay occupied forever, no resource bonus is permanent. Alliances come and go. Some are stronger than others, but ultimately they will always change. The only things in this game that can be truly permanent are the organizations we build, and the friendships we forge.

Quit with the negativity.
Do your job instead.
STFU and Fight.