Stepping down, but not out

Day 871, 18:01 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

Americans, my loyal Democratic Republicans,

Today I am making a public announcement on a subject I decided several weeks ago.

In March, when I ran for the PP position yet again, I realized that my time was growing ever smaller, and that my work as PP was suffering from the lack of the enthusiasm I brought with my first election back in November.

After thinking if over, I made a deal with myself: it would be my last party president election for some time.

In accordance with that decision, I will NOT be running for reelection as party president of the Democratic Republicans. Additionally, I am officially supporting Angelini, my current party Vice-President who will be serving as acting PP for the rest of this month.

Angelini has served as my VP for every month that I've been party president, she's the former general of the Training Corps, a current marine, a multi-term Congresswoman, and a damn fine friend. Frankly, she's better qualified for the job than I ever was. I urge all of you to support Angelini for Party President on the 15th of April

Go strong, DemReps!

Retiring Party President