Statistics of Congress

Day 1,310, 13:08 Published in Sweden Sweden by C.Nilsson
Nummer 6 . Dag 1.310 . 22 juni 2011

Hello this is an article about statistic in the last congress election, this shows how well every party preformed and what they need to improve on the upcoming election. In this congress election there were 716 voters out of 2259 peaple who live in Sweden. So there is only 31 % in Sweden who voted in the last election, this can be explained with a lack of interest in politics. Well i hope you will enjoy this article!

As you can se in this pie Chart you can se in percent what party got most and least votes and those in betwen.
(the numbers of votes to each party)
Flashback Sweden: 272 votes
FH😨 183 votes
Partiet: 164 votes
Norsefire 53 votes
Gamlingarna: 44 votes

(Sorry about the colors, the codes dont agree with me)

Here are the numbers of congressmen from each party.
Partiet: 13 congressmen
Flashback Sweden: 12 congressmen
FH😨 7 congressmen
Norsefire: 4 congressmen
Gamlingarna: 4 congresmen

I looked up the numbers for how many votes each party needed to get a seat in congres, this shows how well prepared the party was and how well they were organised.

Gamlingarna needed in average = 11 votes to get a congresmen
Partiet needed in average = 12,61 votes to get a congresmen
Norsefire needed in average = 13,25 votes to get a congresmen
Flashback Sweden needed in average = 22,66 votes to get a congresmen
FHD needed in average = 26,14 votes to get a congresmen

The reason to these numbers can be many but the main reason is to many run for congres in FHD and Flashback Sweden, this causes the peaple to vote on alot of peaple but who then dont get in to be a congresmen. In FHD 19 peaple ran for congres but only 7 actually made it, This made FHD to throw away 53 votes, thats even more then Flasback Sweden who had almost 100 more voters.

I decided to put these 5 partys in a ranking to who was best in using there reasorses.
First place: Partiet
second place: Gamlingarna
third place: Norsefire
fourth place: Flashback Sweden
fifth place: FHD

The price is honor! use it well 🙂

I hope you learned something from this and i will make another after this congres election, you can always go back to this so you can compare and se what really happens in this upcoming election. I wish all partys good luck and remember being superior in number dosent always meen victory!
