State of the AMP, revisited

Day 1,606, 15:12 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

Many months ago, when I was the Party President of the American Military Party, I wrote an address called ’State of the AMP’. It was my final address as Party President, and I used it to talk about where I thought the party was, and where I thought we were headed at the time. This was almost exactly 4 months ago.

I am pleased to see where we have gone, and what we have become. In my original address, I felt like we spent too much time trying to compete with the USWP. That we existed solely to counter them, and that our entire party was based off this. Four months later, I don’t feel this is the case. We are still fiercely competitive with the USWP, but our existence isn’t defined by them. We are our own party now. No other party defines us.

Under the guidance of Cleveland Fleman, Jack Mensley and most recently, David Wilson (as well as a host of others), we have exceeded my expectations. Our recruitment, which was sub-par when I was PP, is now a cornerstone of our party. I would even say that it rivals that of our bros in the Federalist Party. Do we exceed them? Hard to say. But we’re definitely on their level.

Another thing that concerned me four months ago, was the lack of AMPers on a National Level. There were few members that were considered ready to perform on a National Level, and even fewer that were even considered as Presidential Material. Now however, much of that has changed. We have members that are active in the State Department, Defense Department, and Media Department. People like potato134, Arthur Ward and John Killah are all well on their way to promising careers in the Executive. This is what we needed more of, four months ago. People getting involved, on a national level. And I am very happy, to see it happening.

Our congressional quality has improved ten-fold as well. Led by Senators like Zheng He, John Largo, Dokomo, Chucky, and Jon Barack Bluejacket this party has been transformed from one of political newbies, to one of political skill. We still have a long way to go, like any party. But, where we are now, is light years ahead of where we were. And I am encouraged by our progress.

If we can continue to make this sort of progress, there is no upper bounds on where we can end up. I have great faith in the strong core of leaders, senators and Round Table members that call this party home. But these people can’t do it alone. They need all the help they can get.

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But most importantly, get involved. This party gives back to those that give in. And that can be one of the most rewarding aspects of this game.

We are the American Military Party, and we are AMPed!

✯ ✯ ✯ Feel The Amps ✯ ✯ ✯