Day 2,354, 09:40 Published in USA USA by Jude Conners



Greetings and Salutations, My Fellow eAmericans and Ajay Gipper Hut:

Unless you are either in my party or know me personally, you probably didn't realize my absence from eRepublik for nearly a month. I had decided to take time off in order to plan a wedding then get married. On 4/19, I was married to the love of my life. It was an event that was twenty years in the making (yes... i AM old).

I see that the USA is still neutered and bullying a weak nation just because we can. I would have thought that the cadre of SuperFriends in power at the top of the elite class would have gotten bored with that atrocity to freedom, but I guess I was wrong.

It is nice to see that some of the common people are getting tired of the SSDD mentality of those in power, however. Bucephalus92 speaks about that exact concept in Time for Peace?.
But what could be more meaningful than warring Canadians you ask? Aside from literally anything? Honestly, I'm much less concerned about that. I know what I would like to do but what matters to me more is that were doing something other than getting caught up in boring war that exists purely because we think the Canadians are dicks, and vice versa. As a suggestion, why not NE Portugal instead, free Venezuela and then use that position as a launching pad for a campaign to finally bring freedom to the people of Brozil? They have languished at the hands of the Argentinians for far too long and I believe a strong and coordinated campaign, rich in narrative, would be beneficial for all involved. However most importantly, I think it could be fun.

This Bro knows what's going on!
Let's face some facts here... we play eRepublik because we want to have fun. Yet somehow, we slide in monotony and the game becomes more of a daily grind, void of independent thinking... void of civil anarchy... void of fun.

We use populist opinions, we quote the status quo, we conduct government-sanctioned bullying in both foreign and domestic policies. We scream for change but suffer from insanity by doing the same thing over and over again.

After a month AFK, the only thing that has seemed to change is that LAP has been ousted from the Top Five, replaced by The Black Sheep... and are merging with WTP. How is this fun again?

It's not.

And on that note... I'm out!

Listen to the Magic Carpet Ride with Jude Connors - LIVE every Wednesday Night 20:00-23:00 eRepublik time on RadioStar.FM. You'll be glad you did!

Jude Conners