Soldiers of Fortune : Loopholes of the Plato

Day 2,779, 03:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

So we get tokens based on damage. Right? No completely wrong. Its based on kills

So we will get shown a target we can chase. Wrong!

Watch these 2 screenshots and think about what you just saw.

Did you see it?

What is hidden?

Do you spot the animals?

So I'm 3 but Im second in damage.

Think what is not shown:

We are shown kills ? Yes and No we are only shown kills for the first 5 players of top damage.

We are not shown: All kills. No we have to click somewhere in that ranking to be shown kills. Almost like you would have to click somewhere on the pics to be shown the animal.

So how am I 3rd . Easy the true number 1 is not even shown.

In all his computing genius Plato forget one crucial fact:

Bazooka kills = 10 energy per kill.

Bazooka kills = 10000 damage per hit.

Blitzkrieg pack = 3000 + 3000 energy = 6000 energy

6000 / 10 = 600 kills by Bazooka = 600 * 10000 = 6 million damage [THE LOOPHOLE]

6 million damage - spot 10 and is therefore not shown in damage [LOOPHOLE]

KLIKING ON kills brings up a second screen. This one.

Like a boss informed me of this . This is truthfully first time I heard about this feature or used it. So basically we have a obscure reference to a part of the battle that brings no reward.


So look closely or else you will miss out. As some people clearly caught onto this and is exploiting this clicking on a label magic that the great Plato thought up.

What we are talking about is of course affordance:

The word "affordance" was invented by the perceptual psychologist J. J. Gibson (1977, 1979) to refer to the actionable properties between the world and an actor (a person or animal). To Gibson, affordances are relationships. They exist naturally: they do not have to be visible, known, or desirable.

How do we know to click on a button. Through years and years of clicking on buttons. We know that clicking on a button causes a certain action - suggested by the title of the button.

[OK] - Your happy with what the program presented you.

[Submit] You want the computer to process something you just submitted to him.

What affordance does kills give us. Look closely ate first pic. The word kills small and blending into its background. KLIK ON "kills" the admins scream. Click on kills - they huff and puff in quite desperation. @23NBF#^SF#7 Kills.

Google spell chec does not know what affordance is they are suggesting accordance.

What accordance the button provide.

Norman discusses this in depth :

Here is a quick snippet:

Norman on conventions of affordance
In similar vein it is wrong to claim that the design of a graphical object on the screen "affords clicking." Sure, you can click on the object, but you can click anywhere. Yes, the object provides a target and it helps the user know where to click and maybe even what to expect in return, but those aren't affordances, those are conventions, and feedback, and the like. This is what the interface designer should care about: Does the user perceive that clicking on that object is a meaningful, useful action, with a known outcome?

It is possible to change the physical affordances of the screen so that the cursor only appears at spots that are defined to be "clickable." This would indeed allow a designer to add or subtract the affordance of clicking, much as many computer forms afford the addition of characters only in designated fields. This would be a real use of affordances.

So to answer your question kill does not provide any affordance per se.

Yes when you hold your mouse over the non selected filter either damage or kills- a little hand cursor appears. This means click. Unfortunately Plato failed because this little hand cursor appears on almost all text except the current selected viewpoint.

On number of kills on damage on player names. You can navigate to a player from there. Clicking on his number of kills does nothing.

So what is missing:- A screentip. "Click on kills to show top 5 kills" or "Click on damage to show top 5 damage" when one hovers your mouse over the text.

But there is no real affordance to suggest action A leads to result B.

So enjoy Plato's idiosyncrasies although I am certain there is a t missing n that word relating to Plato.