Small Puppy Saved on Highway by Jon Malcom!

Day 471, 19:38 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Yes it is true, strangely enough soon after another Erepublic player saved a small kitten another player saved a small puppy.
(He also saved a bus load of kids, Taylor Swift who was stabbed by a scissors on CSI, (yes she does die) and several hundred dollars by switching to Geico just to one up the other player who would like to remain unnamed...
You can view Jewitts story by using the link:

It was another scorcher of a day in Texas and while many are having close calls with the sun one local puppy had a close call with an eighteen wheeler.
The puppy, Max (puppy has no known last name) was trying to investigate some nice smelling grass close to the street.
"I always loved the grass on the sides of the street, it has that exhaust smell and the nature stuff in it as well" Max told the Voice of America.
Jon Malcom who was standing by saw the puppy about to get hit by the eighteen wheeler and rescued him.
"It was nothing big, I just jumped in front of the truck and lifted it in the air while grabbing the puppy. I mean puppies are freakin adorable and you can't let adorable die."

The truck driver had nothing to say except that he may have crapped his pants...just a little.

Every year millions of puppies are killed by car accidents, please go to for more information.

This has been a Voice of America special report.