situation in eEgypt

Day 1,179, 12:00 Published in Egypt Egypt by National Bank of Egypt

Dear citizens of eEgypt!

Good day!

As most of you know that when creating the new added countries there was deleting in some game’s features.such as Organizations, and we all know that they are essential for establishing country’s ministries. Some of these features are handled, and we are “on the track”. In the days before the presidential elections there was intensive work on attracting new players to the game and making many Tutorials for them. Forming eEgypt official Army, along with growth of the economy, and control the prices not to go high.
Silence in media was necessary due to efforts we are doing in those areas, and now I can announce that things are going well, maybe not perfect or fast as many of you want, but comparing almost every day changes in eRepublik, and RL tragedy that strike Egypt - I believe we did a great work so far.

As for political:
we are also aware of what is going around us! And our main goal now is to be in good relations with the other two Arab countries and with countries that shows support for us. On the other hand, I must point that at any hostile actions, or proposals, eEgypt will response fast and strong with help of our allies. We are careful watching situation in eUAE with concern about rumors and evidences of hostile PTO in that country. Meetings and talks with representatives of neighboring countries took place in Rizon, and some future agreements have been established. Same time, eEgypt is making contacts and watch closely to changes in eWorld big alliances, shifting MPPs etc. Public will be informed about details in time. Most of decisions that we must make, are not of type that can be voted in public, but of those decisions that your elected Government and CP must take after internal consultations among us, and our present and possible allies. One thing is certain, as in RL , this part of eWorld will have important role in erepublik future.

We witnessed fair Congress and CP elections in eEgypt and the result shows that I have the trust and support from majority of the citizens of eEgypt as well as international community of eRepublik. After announcing the results I expected to start immediate work in establishing the government institutions specially and most important, the MoD ! But I was not able to access the national bank of Egypt for more than two days after announcing the results of elections, That of course didn’t stop me as CP and didn’t stop my government team from working. MoD made application to register for the army, and we had good number of citizens that applied for the army, but our waiting took so long so we decided to use some org and make it as organization for the MoD and also to use some of already established weapons companies to work for Army! Here I want to thank players antjerci and Franz Kafka who gave their companies and orgs against their benefit to help eEgypt institutions. Same time, I ask anyone who can help by donations to contact me or my Ministers!
ALL of this work was in conjunction with attracting and guiding new players to the game, and we start to see new babies registering in the game especially from Arabs! I daily receive messages in game from new Arab players to say Hi or ask for help. I greet them and welcome them all, and they can count on my personal help, as well of all official institutions of eEgypt as long I perform function of Country President.

As for Foreign affairs
there is a huge welcoming from other countries on official levels asking for good relations with eEgypt! That what we appreciate and welcome the most.
Soon , you can expect articles published from every Ministry according to their work, personal and mutual efforts

At the end, I urge to all Congressmen - DO NOT LEAVE your function before end of your mandate! eEgypt needs you and your ideas, voting and - doing job you have been elected to do.
Come to eEgypt official Forum, share your opinion about proposed laws and ideas, as well as to introduce yourself to citizens of eEgypt.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT : even he officially resign all of his functions in eEgypt and eCroatia, after successful ATO action, and due to many pm-s, comments, and conversations with him over cell phone from numerous players and friends and for the benefit of eEgypt - antjerci accepted to take position of Vice- CP of eEgypt. He insists on that function as adviser and coordinator, without possibility to influence on military actions without my approval. I hope this news will be accepted in good manner of all eEgypt citizens.

Thank you!
the CP of eEgypt


مواطني إي-مصر الاعزاء
اسعد الله يومكم
الغالبية منكم تعرف انه عندما تم اضافة الدول الحديثة الى اللعبة كان هناك الغاء لبعض الوظائف في اللعبة مثل المنظمات والتي تعتبر ضرورية لانشاء الوزارات,ولكن بعض هذه الوظائف تم التعامل معها, في الايام التي سبقت الانتخابات الرئاسية كان هناك عمل مكثف على استقطاب لاعبين جدد وعمل ارشادات لهم, وتشكيل جيش والمحافظة على الاقتصاد, الصمت على المستوى الاعلامي كان ضروري نتيجة للجهود المبذولة في تلك المجالات, وهنا استطيع ان اعلن ان الامور تسير على المسار الصحيح
أما بالنسبة للامور السياسية:
نحن على علم بما يدور حولنا, ولكن هدفنا الاساسي هو العمل على اقامة علاقات ودية مع الدول العربية الاخرى ومع الدول التي قدمت لنا الدعم. مع الاشارة الى ان اي عداء نحو اي بلد عربي سوف يؤدي الى ردة فعل قوية من جانبنا . نحن نتابع الوضع في الامارات بأهتمام شديد, هناك بعض الاتصالات التي نقوم بها على قناة الاتصال والتي نأمل ان تسفر عن اتخاذ قرارات سوف تخدم مصلحة البلد وسوف يتم الاعلان عنها لاحقا.
لقد شهدنا انتخابات مجلس شعب وانتخابات رئاسية نزيهه دلت على دعم وثقة الغالبيه العظمى من الشعب المصري والغالبيه الدولية
بعد إعلان النتائج توقعت أن يبدأ العمل فورا في إنشاء مؤسسات حكومية وخاصة والأهم من ذلك ، وزارة الدفاع ولكن لم أكن قادرا على حق الوصول إلى البنك الأهلي المصري لأكثر من يومين بعد اعلان نتائج لكن ذلك لم يحد من عملي كرئيسة دولة ولم يحد ايضا من عمل حكومتي. فقد قام وزير الدفاع بتجهيز طلبات للالتحاق بالجيش. وبعد الانتظار الطويل قررنا ان نستخدم منظمة جاهزة لتكون تحت تصرف الجيش واستخدام شركات منشأة للاسلحة وهنا اود ان اشكر
antjerci و Franz Kafka
لتقديمهم شركاتهم الخاصة لجعلها شركات لخدمة الجيش.
وهنا ادعو أسأل أي شخص يود ان يساعد عن طريق التبرعات في الاتصال بي أو وزراء بلدي.
وكان كل هذا العمل جنبا إلى جنب مع جذب وتوجيه اللاعبين الجدد إلى اللعبة والتي تم ملاحظة اقبال شديد على اللعبة وخصوصا من جانب العرب
أما بالنسبة للشؤون الخارجية
هناك ترحيب كبير من البلدان الأخرى على المستويات الرسمية يطلب اقامة علاقات جيدة وهذا نقدرة بشكل كبير,

وهنا اود الاعلان وانه بعد المشاورات المكثفة تم عودة اللاعب
الى الفريق الوزاري بصفتة مستشار ونائب الرئيس

مع الشكر