Situation, Day 1293

Day 1,293, 18:39 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Yep, first day as president and I'm already dealing with a crisis. Go figure.

To update everyone on the situation, Slovenia is invading from the east at relentless speed. By the time you're reading this, we may have already lost Deuschschwitz. Because of these unfortunate circumstances, me and my cabinet are going to have to hit the ground running. I promised in my campaign that I would restore our country to the map by any means necesary, and I intend to accomplish just that.

My two predecessors have both been unsuccessful in negotiating with The Republic of Macedonia, but circumstances have changed. Yesterday, Romandie was shown to be a liability to Macedonia, as millions of damage were redirected away from the priority battle. Since Macedonia retains no extra resource from Romandie (they have cattle in their home region of Eastern Macedonia), they may consider simply giving it back.

If such a deal is impossible, other options will have to be considered. I am not afraid of facing down Slovenia in a war for freedom... But rest assured, it will be no easy task. If we are forced into such a situation, we must be ready, we must be dedicated, and we must be organized.