Sirius, Not as Powerful As They Once Were. But still Powerful.

Day 2,290, 15:25 Published in USA USA by Captain Recks

Hey Guys I hope to see some new faces in SFP. The article I wrote about The Awesome Supplies you can get in SFP was directed to the Newbies but wasn’t just for them it can also be for the oldies. But Lets get to today’s business, The Article is about the war activity in the eWorld. I haven’t wrote a War article in a few weeks and it seems like the right time for it. I will split the two alliances into two different articles. Then I will have a part three that wraps up the series.
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For my part 1 I am going to talk about Sirius.
The Countries in this alliance were some of the most powerful. Poland is the second most Populated Country in all of this eWorld, their Country Power was The best about two weeks ago. All the land they lost was tragically amazing. The extravagant downfall of Poland was a big loss for Sirius. This is very much like Poland.

Then there is Turkey, they owned all of Iran.
But 5 days ago they don’t anymore. Turkey was very strong, now they are below US in Country Power. But if they can Take back all the Iran Territories they aren't looking terrible.

Anyhow Sirius is not looking good. Right before This Alliance was signed, the most Powerful Countries in the Alliance that was yet to be formed were, 1 Poland, 2 Turkey and 3 Spain.
Before I say the other three I want to take a look at Spain. Spain attacked eCanada and held 8 of the Canadian territories but then lost one to a RW. That seems pretty good but then they got into a War with Romania. They fought against Romania hard, but it wasn’t good enough as eRomania took almost all of Spain in just a few days. Spain’s only Territories are 8 in Spain and 7 in Canada. Spain Dropped down to Number 10 in Country Power.
So far things are not looking Bright for Sirius.

Now onto The United Kingdom. The Weakest Country in Sirius is the UK. I say Weakest because of they have the lowest Population and Country Power of all the countries in the Alliance. The Brits have a country that have a Average Country Experience Level that is Ten Levels lower than the average Experience Level of the eWorld.

Now back to the list. Number 4 would be the United States of America.
Our proud Country has the Highest amount of Territories than any other country in both Sirius and Asteria. We are just shy of getting all food and weapon recourses. We only need Rubber, it might not be that hard to get it because we are a Ally to Indonesia. The country of Indonesia has two territories with Rubber. The Rarity of Rubber is high and it is very wanted so it might be a very high price. There is the Rubber in Mexico but that is their only Rubber.

The Next Country on the list is Croatia they have control over 80% of India and have over 3,500 Country Citizens. Strong but not able to reach many Countries without using a Air-Strike. Not much to say about them but that.
The list I was talking about earlier (“Before they Joined“) Would go like this. #1 Poland, #2 Turkey, #3 Spain, #4 USA, #5 Croatia, #6 UK.
The Sirius Line-Up (Current) would be shown like this. #1 Turkey. #2 Poland. #3 USA. #4 Spain. #5 Croatia. #6 UK.
So to wrap up Sirius I have to say they aren’t as Powerful as they were a Week Ago but they still are Extremely Powerful.

If some of the things in this article are outdated, I am sorry but Countries and Country Power are always changing.

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