
Day 3,681, 16:14 Published in Turkey Turkey by Hoffaa.

LilyanaJenoTyel aka Leyla,

As most of you already know, she is a Turkish citizen who has been playing this game for a very long time. She is very important for us and probably important for everyone else that knows her. She has been an older sister, a really good friend to all of us. Also she is a very proud mother!

This game is mostly boring and we all like banters. Personally, I like banters too. There is not that much harm between calling one side gur gur, and the other side bulgur,and it makes everything more fun.

Some of us, takes this banter thing to another level though. Gets all personal and all disgusting.

"I hope you get dry.
I hope you don't see a **.
Whatever you touch, I hope it becomes ash.
The waffles you gave against us, I hope they give them away at your funeral."

I am not going to make guesses on what kind of a person MattrimCauthon actually is, hopefully he is a nice person and all but he has been harrassing lilyana for a very long time now just because she has been tanking for Greece and Turkey. What he did is very sexist and extremely wrong.

Hopefully the wishes you wished for Lilyana will never come to you, hopefully you will live a long and happy life and hopefully, you are just a young and clumsy guy who got extremely excited over this game and you will just settle this with a simple apology and leave Lilyana alone.

Let's not forget this is just a game, and don't break each others hearts. Get lots of Battle Hero Medals, and don't forget respecting people and especially women.