Sean Power [ISRP] - Dáil Manifesto

Day 610, 06:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean Power
I, Sean Power, shall be once more putting myself forward to represent the citizens of the Southeast of Ireland (Region name recently changed!) All my elife has been spent working, fighting, writing and having fun in eIreland and I would be honoured by any voters deciding that I could best represent their interests in the Dáil. I have recently commenced writing this magazine and hope the mix of RL and eRepublik topics is balanced and to your liking.

I'm active on the forum everyday (hope the new one is up soon) and love to share my views in Dáil debates even just as a citizen and I encourage everyone to do so. It's an excellent element of our democracy that debates on Dáil legislation are open to comment from the public. Such openess is to be commended.

The loss of wargames in the short-term has impacted on many aspects of our lives here in eIreland from the fun of ranking up to the stagnation of weapon purchases. Opening up wargames with certain countries at this time could be very dangerous for our security.

I agree the governments line on neutrality. It is our best interests in the current circumstances. One area where I disagree with government policy is in leaving the Irish Defence Forces at home here in eIreland. Of course I am not privy to private security information but I can tell you that, should there be no imminent threat of invasion, I will propose that the IDF be sent to gain experience, rank and xp in the battlefields of eUSA and eCanada.

We must take action to protect eIreland in the long term and not allow our military power to fall behind those other small nations already fighting in the world war. I propose to do this while maintaining neutrality by having our men fight on either side of the war world war. Anticipated damage will be calculated for each soldier and temporary flying columns created to ensure we do not influence the outcome of a battle but still get to play a part for the advancement of the IDF and eIreland. I feel this is an innovative varient on wargames and should help increase IDF soldiers experience of overseas engagements.

I would look to place a defence system in Dublin. Many speak of the cost and inefficiency of such infrastructure while eIrelands population is relatively small. Instead of seeing it as an imoveable barrier to placing defence systems in eIreland might we set targets for population growth.

I will propose a military training program to be initiated at our fine eIrish University. This will be used as IDF basic training or boot camp as alot of nations like to call it. It will not be limited to those with strength 5 and so will be integrate newbies into the system faster than at present with the aim of maximizing IDF numbers and our military strength.

To further increase our military strength I propose we gather a list of volunteers from around the world, not necessarily with eIrish citizenship (when the module comes in) that are willing to fight in eIrelands defence only. They would not be called upon to engage in any other military engagements. Peoples RL associations with Ireland and possible Irish heritage can be harnessed to help protect this great nation. I propose an advertising campaign targeting eNations with large RL irish influence/heritage... namely eAustralia, eUSA and eUK. Super soldiers may be targeted in these areas to ensure the advertsiing is cost effecient. To have a large civilian population ready to come to our defence should also act as a deterrent to any nations contemplating invasion in the future.

Not sure about whether the IDF already has a spreadsheet to calculate damage capabilities of individual soldiers but I'm working on a google doc form to allow this information to be collected and accessible to each CO. The advantage of such knowledge is that fighting can be carried out with the knowdge that everyone playing their part will build up/bring down the wall a set amount. This allows for greater co-ordination with other nations should we ever become involved in a battle together either through MPPs or an Alliance.

Our Finance Ministers proposal of engagement between worker, managers and government through a committee releasing recommendations and opinions is fully supoprted by me. I think it negotiation and discussion in this manner can prevent social upheaval and help promote economic stability.

The volotility in the world has shown us how fragile our precious wargames are. It is easy to neglect the housing industry when hospitals are adding much needed wellness. It is in the long term interests of the nation to stimulate and foster growth in the housing construction industry. Need for housing as an aid to overall economy productivity should be emphasised at every available oportunity by both the Health ministry and General Managers of companies. Financial advice, detailing at what levels gold becomes available, should be available to those who are unsure of how to get the purchase price together.

To help prevent a drop off in purchases on the eIrish market the IDF should be encouraged to buy eIrish while out foreign. This can be facilitated through donations of money to a Gov Org with purchases sent out the boys across the pond.

Linked with this idea is the need for greater accountability of Government Organisations donations. Taxpayers have a right to know where their moneys is spent. I thoroughly believe we have no corruption in our present administration. However a system of observance of expenditure by Government Organisations could prevent any possible future abuses. This type of openess would also have the added advantage of corroborating budget expenditure lists. Capturing screen images once a month and displaying them to the public Dáil should be a sufficient safeguard. The private Dáil could be used in the case of data sensitive to national security.

Support state companies as training ground for newcommers which is essential for population growth and citizen retention.

Propose a new "fair wage" system in addition to the current minimum wage. Workers should get a fair share of the value what they help create. This fair share should be based on their productivity compared to the market price of the item.

Sean has 95 wellness and 4 skill so has productivity of 20.
One product is created with 5 productivity units therefore Sean has created 4 products.
(Market price) 12 I.EP - (cost price without labour) 8.75 = 3.25 (profit of one unit)
3.25 x 5 = 16.25 (total profit created by employee)
What is considered a "fair wage" would need to be above a percentage agreed by the Dáil.

In summary:
*Keep neutrality but increase military capabilities by fighting overseas dealing equal damage on both sides
*Worldwide Volunteer Defence Force
*IDF spreadsheet used for damage prediction
*Accountability and transparency of Government Orgs and the Budget
*Increasing demand for housing through media messages/manager pms