Saving America- One Month at a Time

Day 1,527, 00:22 Published in USA USA by Molly Emma

Opportunity, Camaraderie and National Pride
Day 1525


Here we stand. Election day. Many may not realize what imminent threat hovers over the eUS at this time. No doubt many of you HAVE heard rumblings of certain events that are directly related to why we are on alert today, united and ready to defend this nation from the influence of a dangerous and driven eUS citizen whose only goals are power and glory.

Pizza the Hut II has explicitly stated in his own newspaper and on eNPR that his goal is to take over the eUS by force, with the help of Serbians. TREASON!! Over the last several months, he has managed to place people in Congress that grant more Serbians eUS citizenship, giving them the power to vote. As this effect has snowballed, it has given PtH enough power that it could no longer be ignored by or fought by individual parties.

In a, not unprecedented, but long overdue show of collective patriotism, the Top 5 Political Parties of the eUS have banded together along with President Oblige in an effort to keep PtH and his Serbian usurpers off of the Congressional ballot in EVERY eUS region this election cycle. While not perfect the strategy was largely successful. Supported by all of the Political Parties in eRep, those Top 5, responsible for placing candidates, were able to fill their ballots with true eUS Patriots.

Special thanks to those who worked together to stop this attack:

• Oblige (Country President of the USA)
• SgtRock (United States Workers Party)
• Jude Connors (US Marijuana Party)
• Cleveland Fleman (American Military Party)
• PigInZen (New Conservative Party)
• Joseph Dinero (Bastards of Liberty Party)
• Cody Caine (Revolutionary Party)
• Athanaric (Stardust Crusaders USA)
• The Norm (Socialist Freedom Party)
• youngHOOD (US Marijuana Party)
• Serendipitous (US Marijuana Party)
• koo Guy (Revolutionary Party)
• pearlowl(INCI)
• Cromstar (Federalist Party)
• Talio Extremist (Federalist Party)
• Angelini (Federalist Party)
• David Wilson (American Military Party)
• Pfeiffer (United States Workers Party)

In an effort, to not only shut this threat out of Congress, but to expose those around PtH who are his supporters and who are used by him, USMJ and the Federalist Party played host to some of these rogue candidates to get them to expose themselves. Never fear! At the 11th hour, those candidates were taken off the ballot and excluded from the election. But thanks to this successful operation, we can list for you those enemies of the eUS who would see us bow to the Serbian enemy!

Odin Allfather
Sebastian Pinera 1
Armchair General
Red oak
John Valliant
Pierce Vaughn

These people should be treated with caution and excluded from all national discussion at all costs. They are enemies of the eUS and only seek to harm it!

In a moment of unusual candor, Pizza the Hut admitted that there are still 2-3 more potential threats hidden in the ranks of the party ballots. IT IS IMPERATIVE that you VOTE SMART! Contact your Party Political Department to get instructions on safe candidates!

😁That's a link. You should click it! 😁 Ask for Talio Extremist, Angelini, Cromstar or Molly Emma. We can get you set up with your party’s PD. Otherwise, feel free to PM meand I’ll help you out.


The Federalist Party has a long tradition of putting Nation before Party, especially when the nation is under threat. True to form, The Feds came through, yet again and should be proud of it’s role.

The Federalist Political Department spearheaded the effort to get the Top5 Parties together to organize a concerted effort to thwart this terrorism. The Federalist Party along with EZC, was able to provide over 25% of all the candidates and blockers in this race! We not only covered all of our own regions, but were able to send blocker candidates to 3 other parties to help where needed. It is truly a testament to the level of activity, loyalty and patriotism in the Federalist Party. P/H!


I would like to take this space and tell you about how fortunate I feel at this time. This term as PP of the Federalist Party is my first. I count myself amongst the young in terms of eWorld age and my limited experience had me nervously considering the uphill battles ahead. Due to recent circumstances, however, there has been an event that has not happened in a long time. The focus has shifted away from internal competition and fostered a sense of community and cooperation. All in the name of National Pride!

There is one player, above all, who has affected this shift in focus and my player experience. He has shown me both how great this eRep community can be and how low parts of this eRep community can sink. He has shown how a person can speak out of two sides of his mouth at once. He has shown me how to exploit player ignorance in order to further his own nefarious goals. He has shown me, most of all, how revenge and spite coupled with pure drive can be exceptionally dangerous, both for the exploiter and the victims.

Above all though, this one man has shown me how a group of people can put aside their differences, even if only for a little while, to accomplish a common noble goal on behalf of this great eNation. He has put me in contact with a circle of outstanding players, old and new, I feel I will be able to be friends with and respect(even if we don't always agree) well into my future as an eCitizen.

I thank you Pizza the Hut II, for showing me many facets of this game. I have chosen the greater.

Molly Emma
Federalist Party President



Keep smiling USA! Don’t let the pessimists get you down!