Running for Congress in Colorado

Day 884, 16:21 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

Herro and welcome to Serendipitous's way underused paper, Situational Irony. Today we'll be spotlighting the former Speaker of the House's run for Congress.

This month, Serendipitous is running for Congress in the Awesome State of Colorado. Let's go over reasons why Colorado is epic.

1) The only state to turn down the chance to host the Olympics.


What balls they have.

2) NORAD lives here. And part of the staff is Canadian.

3) You cannot escape.


[strong]Former Positions[/strong]

Former Speaker of the House
Former CTF Director
Former XO of ACUK, Australia
Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Australia

I'll totally fill the rest of this in later, but suffice to say, I'm running for Congress. Please vote for me, and good night.