reward weekend

Day 1,366, 08:26 Published in Germany Germany by moonburn

back on track with the media mogul medal thingie

we should host some sort of game for a week and in the end of the week the winners would get public suport for subscriptions for 48 hours aslong as they promissed they wouldn´t writte articles

back in the days of the media mogul the thing that always pissed me off was turkish bulgarians or russians or some other wierd language lame people writting articles when i had just subscribed their newspapers

so basically we give people the chance to get 200-500 subscribers for a limited amount of time if we could get the dutch the french the portuguese in it we might be able to give a few mediamogul medals every weekend aslong as they promiss not to writte articles

since it´s just for 2 days it can increase the amount of gold available in our countries for a short time without a big nuissance for the individuals helping out

personally i won´t be trying to get my Mediamogul since i only have like 37 subscribers but for those with over 700 subscriptions it can be a big help

best regards MoonBurn