Report( 18-25 March 2010)

Day 857, 11:58 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret

Hi eNorway! This week report came later because of the Congress Elections.This week some new activities happened. As minister of Public Relations I will try to give you all the important news from Norway.
1. This week was Congress Elections. It was 40 qualified candidates (36 Official candidates and 4 Wildcars)." border="0" />

The winner of this election was decebal2_dac with 13 votes from Teknokratene, now he is a Binary Party member.
The second was ellisiv with 8 votes from Kapitalist Partiet .
The elections results are:
Binary Party 47 %
Teknokratene 27 %
Demokratene 12 %
Kapitalist Partiet 10 %
Justice And Develop... 2 %
Binary Party won this election and Teknokratene lost . Most of Teknokratene members are inactive and I think that Teknoratene is in a clinical death . Teknokratene must be resurected.

2.A new report of our economy
The second news was the report made by Endors.
Endors, our Vice Minister of Finances made a new report of our economy for March and posted it on our official forum www.erepublik.noAfter the last report "Our economical situation" Endors has taken some steps to improve the economical power of our country. The government increased the import tax on food and tried to get better job offers, specially 0-1 skill jobs.
Endors will start the discussion to raise import tax on other products like tickets, weapons and gifts. That will increase Norway's economy. I advise you to buy Norwegian made products even if you can save 0,01 nok on foreign products.

3.Reduce import tax on housing from 10% to 1%
The third important news of this week was the congress discussions regarding Norway's official forum proposal was taken by Freke. Only congress members could vote this. Most of the congress members (11) wanted to Reduce import tax on housing from 10% to 1%.
After that was make a proposal on erepublik by Toots
Most of the congress members (26) wanted to Reduce import tax ." border="0" />

The reason for that was if you keep a high import tax on housing results in only one suffering part - the newcomers who does not afford the prices of what is close to a white market monopoly, and still don't know where to get houses on the black market.

4.Training Wars( TWs)
Also, was the TW is currently on pause cause of EDEN operations. Hopefully it will continue shortly.

5.The fith event that that happened in this week was the President Impeachment made by Eris Caelestis against our President,Bob Turkee

Well,this is the most events that was happened this week.Thanks!

Minister of Public Relations