Repay North Korea

Day 601, 10:45 Published in United Kingdom Austria by Balkan Beast

I dont know if any of you heard, but a couple months back,eNorth Korea was nearly PTO'd. The PTO failed but they did take a major hold on the congress.There was a law passed to put a couple thousand gold in a Bank,The PTO party eventually passed a law to approve 60000 NK Currency going into the bank, and soon after the money was stolen. the vote count was 19-17.The admins banned the org and temp banned the guy who did it.This isnt enough and the shit is, North Korea didnt get its Money back!

The following statement is by Afanasiy Drago:

Dear Administrators of eRepublik,

I humbly ask you today to please return our currency that was stolen from us several months ago by Kronsen Polanski. For anyone unfamiliar with the situation, after North Korea successfully fended off a Political Take-over in it's first Congressional Elections, we donated 1,000 gold in the Treasury to the People's Bank of North Korea to protect it from harm. Shortly after the donation bill passed, PTO Congressman Polanski moved into our political party and proposed a donation bill for 60,000 of our currency to the Peopie's Bank of North Korea, which used a capital letter 'i' instead of a lower-case letter 'L' in people. As you can see, the donation bill passed, as the PTO Party had 18 seats in Congress, so they only needed a few votes to successfully pull it off.

As soon as we had realized what was occurring (literally less than an hour into the vote), we began filing support tickets to stop the vote and ban the player/organization as he was breaking eRepublik Laws in for both jurisdictions. Unfortunately, betime the administrators answered the ticket, the vote had already passed (19-17) and the currency was in the organization.

The administrators ruled to temporarily ban the player for three days, and permanently ban the organization with the currency in it. We were told that the currency would not be returned, and that we should pay more attention to the vote next time (rightfully so), but we could take solace in the fact that the currency was never going to enter the monetary market and de-value of our currency.

The issue of returning the currency was brought up a few times again, showing parallels to the same case occurring in eEstonia where their vote was stopped and the currency saved, but our attempts led nowhere as the administrators also ruled that they would no longer intervene in cases like this in the future, with one apparent moderator stating that it would set a "dangerous precedent of politics/country interventionism" if the currency was returned.

Fast forward to several days ago, when the exact same situation occurred, except this time on a much bigger stage. Congressman Robert S. Miller of the United States proposed a bill to donate 99,999 currency (Link is dead now) to the organization Fort Knox Federal Reserve (again, the capital letter 'i' in place of a lower-case 'L' in Federal). Several hours after the vote was proposed (with the vote standing 24 to 0 in favor), a French Congressman recognized the scam and brought it to the attention of the world. Quickly, tickets were filed, but as there are many more American citizens, some took to the open forums and posted this thread about what was happening. Within half an hour, an administrator had responded, stating "the law proposal will be suspended", and later on the vote was stopped (with last tally seen as 24-17, still in favor of passing the vote obviously).

The result of the American situation? Currency returned to United States Treasury after donation law is stopped, Robert S. Miller permanently banned (possibly for other reasons), and the organization permanently banned.

So while although one apparent moderator said intervening would set a dangerous precedent, intervention occurred several months later in the exact same case when a bill was going to pass. This has obviously angered many of the citizens of my country, as only three of our Congressmen were fooled, while (up to) 23 of theirs were fooled (after our situation had occurred), even though they were of the same country as the man who called ours "incompetent", yet the donation bill was still stopped and the currency returned.

Below are all the official (public) relevant responses we have received and the respective threads they have come from, so you can see all the different things we have been tol😛

From the eEstonia Thread, titled ESTONIAN GOLD SCAMMED BY BALINT.
admin: You can submit these types of complaints using the contact page - subject: "Report abusive content". We will not handle reports which are meant to be sent to us using the Official Contact Channel. Thanks for the support!

From our first open letter, titled Can NK get its KPW back?:
Big Brother: Official answer: North Korea will NOT get their currency back, no matter how many replies this thread gets or how many tickets you send in. There was no bug/glitch involved here, just the incompentence of several congressmen.

The korean congressmen aproved this proposal, and there is nothing the admins can do without setting a dangerous precedent of politics/country interventionism.

To avoid issues like these, please pay better attention the next time someone proposes to move 60,000 currency.

From the second open letter, titled Why NK should get its money back:
No response

From an unrelated open letter, titled Open Letter Requesting Access to the Korean Organization that turned towards the topic of the 60,000 currency:
admin response one: In the case of North Korea, we should not and we will not return the money from the illegal organization because we do not take illegal money/Gold from permanently suspended accounts and reintroduce it in the New World economy. The case of Estonia was different because the Donate law money was canceled by the eRepublik Team.

admin response two: In North Korea's case, we did not intervene in time. However, we will always do our best and try to push our limits regarding the response time on community issues. As we have stated several times, we are not gods and the eRepublik community is growing exponentially. We will always face challenges, but we assure you that we invest all our time and energy in solving the community's problems in a timely manner.

... We will never return assets from a banned account.


From the third open letter, titled Why North-Korea should get its money back:
admin: As we still are regretful of the situation of North Korea and would have liked that the incriminated donation law was stopped before it was accepted, we respectfully ask you to understand that we will always apply a golden rule when dealing with any cases, including fake national organizations, namely that properties held within suspended entities shall not, in any way, be transfered to any other entities.

The North Korean incident has been yet another incentive for us to invest more manpower into direct game support, and we are pleased to see that response time and general perception on our services have improved. However, it is not only North Koreans who had to wait a bit more for ticket resolution in the past, so bringing this subject into discussion every time there is proof that response time has improved is a bit undue.

From the forth open letter, titled Why North-Korea should get its money back:
admin: As we understand that such issues are very frustrating for both the community and ourselves, we have taken the decision to improve the level of information available in the text of such laws, so that future Congresses will have no excuses for passing inappropriate laws. We do understand that our intervention in such cases is not the best solution, so we are working on a set of features that will better assist citizens themselves detect scam attempts.

Also, please understand that the North Korean case is closed now and any discussions on this matter does not improve the communication and only brings grievance instead of a friendly gaming experience.

(I went into a rant about the final paragraph above, but as I'm trying to present the facts in this case I'll save it for later. I'm sure you can draw your conclusions as to why its painful to read for many people)

Anyways, if you're still with me, it's all there (not including the 50+ tickets we filed) in front of you, for everyone to read. It has taken me quite some time to find all of these posts and gather everything together, so again, I please ask that you read everything over and consult with other administrators before making a ruling. I would like a real, true, ruling now that the situation in the United States has changed things. If you are to look at the two answers after the donation bill was stopped there, you can see the answers change from talking about our Congressmen and their "incompetence", to the improvement of your Customer Service response time (albeit using the improper channels in eUSA's case). The tickets I filed also originally talked about how our Congressmen should pay better attention next time, but now since the eUSA Congressmen did the exact same thing, we are getting a different response.

Please do not fault anyone for signing this. You have to understand that we dropped the situation until things changed with eUSA's decision. Now that you have shown that, according to your ruling there, we actually did nothing wrong, we are bringing up the issue again to fight for what we think is truly right.

I sincerely thank you, administrators, for the time you have spent on this matter, and am asking just one more time to please sit down and think on it.

Thank you everyone for reading, and if you agree, please sign one last time.

Afanasiy Drago,
President of North Korea