Reagan Endorses Chopp for Country President

Day 2,144, 23:26 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

I am very pleased to announce my endorsement of Chopp to be the next President of the eUnited States. As a seasoned party leader, Congressman, citizen soldier, and longtime e-American, he is supremely qualified to be our next President. Once again in this election eAmericans will have a choice, between someone whose first priority is to persecute a group of Americans, and someone whose top priority is to unite Americans to free our country from military occupation.

You don't need me to go in to a lengthy tirade on this subject. The American people should be aware that a vote for Chopp means pushing for lower taxes, and negotiating with the foreign powers occupying the eUSA to release our regions. It means more money in your pocket, and more of the eUSA on the map. It means a month where we don't have to listen to government propaganda obsessing about one person endlessly. It means a government who will serve the people first, rather than the special interests of a handful of self-entitled players.

Most Sincerely,
Ronald Gipper Reagan