Props (for eUSA)

Day 2,013, 18:10 Published in Canada Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris
I do not really care about ATO or counter ATO

Hate or love what he has done, but Free Area deserves a slow clap.

He did not try to hammer a PTO down AMP's throat but instead he got AMP to vote him in. That is PTO'ing with class. Free Area put a lot of work into AMP and spent months and months there to get to this point and it is rather admirable.

It is also kind of funny for me since I was stopped from fully participating in AMP by its Security Department yet they go and drop the ball majorly with Free Area lol.

All those flinging insults at him should stop and show him some respect, he hood winked everyone of ya's. Also he said he will not tamper with AMP's name or picture and will resign soon since he has become emotionally conflicted between his Serbian friends and his AMP friends that he had made, so its not like he is totally screwing AMP ha.

This is just a game AMP so learn from it and move on.

A job well done Free Area.