Proposed Changes to the Costitution of eIreland

Day 2,804, 16:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Below you will find the proposed changes to our Constitution I will be putting to Congress once the new Congress in installed.
(Changes are in Italic)

ARTICLE 1 Administrative Decision Authority
This Part can be amended or repealed with a 50%+ result of the Congress vote

A. The MoF will state in the first 5 days upon a CP being elected how much the Executive country should spend on MPPs during the Executive's term. Should a major strategic or military event arise, the CP will notify congress that extra funds need to be made available for the protection of the State.
B. The MoFA should ask Congress if they have any reasonable proposition regarding MPPs at the start of the month.
C. The MoFA team will develop a plan to optimize this money for the protection of Ireland. The MoFA or CP will propose to congress there recommendations for MPP one at a time during the month.
D. Congress can vote over the following 24 hours with majority wins, no discussion period.
E. The Dictator will pass the law after being approved by congress.

II. Taxes, Minimum Wage, Issue Money
A. Only MoF approval is needed to issue money, this is the only path to remove gold from treasury so no discussion.
B. Should the MoF propose any tax (etc) changes to congress, they state why the change is necessary and how much they think the change will affect monthly income.
C. Congress discusses 24 hours then votes 24 hours and majority wins.
D. The Dictator will pass the law after being approved by congress

III. Impeachment
A. The CCCC will authorise and oversee an impeachment, which can be made against any formal member of government, CP MoF MoFA etc, if asked by a member of congress to do so.
1. A maximum of 1 Impeachment is permitted per 14 days.
B. Congress will discuss for 24 hours then vote for 24 hours, vote has to be greater than 66%.
C. In the event of an emergency (rogue CP), the CCCC may call an impeachment within any 14 day window and allow the total period for discussion ad voting to 24 hours total, or until >50% of total Congress have voted in a majority, whichever occurs first
D. If a CP Impeachment is successful they must stand down
1. In the event of a Minister being Impeached, the CP must appoint a new Minister to that Depatment

IV. Donations
A. MoF will propose any donations to congress and state the reason why.
B. Congress will not discuss, they will have 24 hours to vote, majority wins.
C. The Dictator will pass the law after being approved by congress

V. Trade Embargo
A. MoFA or CP will decide if we need to issue a trade embargo.
B. The Dictator will vote with just executive approval, no congress vote necessary.
C. A Congress member may appeal a Trade Embargo decision to the CCCC.
1. The Trade Embargo will go ahead and will be reversed if advised by the CCCC.

VI. Declare war, AirStrike, Peace Proposal, Natural Enemy
A. CP will propose any war or peace initiatives to congress.
B. Congress will discuss for 24 hours, they will have 24 hours to vote, majority wins.
C. The Dictator will pass the law after being approved by congress

VII. Accept Citizen Applications
A. Congress will appoint a three person Minister of Immigration committee lead by a MoI the first 5 days of the CP term each month..
B. MoI will investigate all applicants using a questionnaire, The only criteria for rejecting is if the applicants propose a threat to Ireland, he will not discriminate based on political party affiliation.
C. The MoI will inform the dictator who to accept in 3 days of their application.
D. The MoI will issue a report to congress on anyone that is rejected and why.
E. The Dictator can accept any citizen application directly of a former Irish citizen in good standing.
F. The MoI must inform all citizenship applicants that they can appeal the refusal to the CCCC.

ARTICLE 2 Dictator Elections
This Part can be amended or repealed with a 66%+ result of the Congress vote

I. The process:
A. The elections will be organized and validated by appointed members of the top 3 party presidents. The current CP sets up this committee two weeks before the election date.
B. Candidate’s applications - Deadline to apply will be 24 hours after the committee publishment of the official application article.
C. The committee will verify the eligibility of all the applicants who apply and notify them.
D. Candidates will have 24 hours to write an article and start their campaign to to become Dictator.
E. The committee will publish an article describing to the public how to vote and who is eligible to run.
F. The referendum will be held through PM’s to an org, each citizens will PM the org with their vote.
G. The three person Committee will validate the election and announce the winner.
H. The results of the election can be appealed to the CCCC within 6 hours of the results being announced
1. The appointment of the new dictator is delayed by 24 hours to allow the CCCC time to investigate any appeal to the results.
2. If within the 24 hours after the appeal is made, no conclusion os made by the CCCC, the dictator-elect is appointed as dictator.
1. Appeals can be made on the basis of, election fraud, non-compliance with set regulations/criteria.

II. Eligibility rules:
A. If the Dictator applicant started the game in eIreland then he/she must be playing at least 6 months prior to the election in eIreland.
B. If the Dictator applicant was born a eForeigner, he/she must of held Irish citizenship for a minimum of 1 year immediately prior to the election in eIreland.
C. Dictator applicants MUST publish an article with the reason why should we elect him after the party president committee verifies their eligibility.
D. Dictator elections are going to be held each 3 months or sooner if the current Dictator isn’t capable to do his duty anymore.

III. Dictator role:
A. A dictator is going to be elected by the referendum in which all Irish citizens who have been in the country at least a 1 month prior to the vote will be able to participate
B. Dictator will hold no real powers, he’s the safe belt to protect eIreland from foreign Coups.
C. President and Government are the executive power. Dictatorship doesn’t change the fact that Ireland is still going to be democratic country.

IV. When a dictator violates the rules of their post:
A. It will be subjective choice if a dictator goes rogue or not, Some rules might be broke malicly and sometimes by accident / in case of emergency.
1. The CCCC may review the rule break of the dictator to determine of it was deliberate, by accident or in case of emergency and advise on action to take.
B. The MoF will initiate a 24 hour discussion followed by a 24 hour vote for no confidence in the dictator. The congress vote has to be greater than 66% to pass.
C. The CCCC will review all discussion and votes before the final votes are clarified.
D. The Commander of the Irish Army will initiate the revolution after the congress vote.
1. The Dictator, when made aware of the Congress vote, may chose to step down and allow for an intern-dictator be put in place whilst the new election campaign is ongoing.

ARTICLE 3 Constitutional Citizen Conclusion Committee (CCCC)
This Part can be amended or repealed with a 50%+ result of the Congress vote

A. The Committee is made up of 3 members appointed by the government, for a fixed term of 40 days.
B. A replacement Committee member is also chosen should a sitting member vacate their seat.

C. The purpose of the CCCC is to:
1. Review the Constitution for loopholes, and advise the government and re-wording to repair this.
2. Interpret the Constitution and uphold its rulings when an Article/Section of the Constitution is called upon.
3. Take appropriate action whereby actions of government or Congress are in contrast to the rulings of the Constitution.
4. Resolve disputes between citizens and advise on any disciplinary actions to be taken.
5. Investigate claims by citizens that suggest
a. the Constitution has been breached
b. Member of Government/Congress have used inappropriate language
c. The Ministers of Immigration have refused citizen request for any other reason than those stated in the Constitution.

D. In the event of the CCCC being called upon, the following procedure will take place:
1. Claimant will detail their case and submit any evidence available
2. CCCC discussion of 24 hours on case and evidence, including a vote on whether or not to proceed with the case.
3. CCCC investigate by talking with citizens linked to this case.
4. Review information available to them, wether in articles, threads, photographic evidence including screenshots, or Constitution
5. Concluding discussion within the CCCC where they must reach a conclusion to the claim.
6. CCCC advise on any disciplinary action(s) that may be required, or advise on a solution.

If you have any questions about the above changes please let me know and I'll gladly answer them
All the Best,
Elite C