Prime Minister’s Update – Day 1,461

Day 1,461, 13:52 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

Hello eAustralia,

I’m just going to get straight to the point and clear some things up.

NE with eNew Zealand
Shortly after getting back on the map and winning the resistance war in New South Wales, I received leaked information that eNew Zealand would be NE’ing us before long. They have been seeking a country to have a training war with and I have made the decision to NE first. This will be a friendly training war in which the attacker will lose. We will be attacking first. We will also be receiving protection from any eIndonesian attempt to retake NSW according to the government of eNew Zealand. So, New South Wales will remain in our possession.

*Reminder to all Senators: Please vote YES to the proposal!*

Greek PTO
I have received messages from numerous Greek-eAustralians in which they thought I believed they were PTO’ing the country. This is NOT the case. I have no reason to believe they are malicious in any way or have the in intent to harm our country. Furthermore, Greece is an ally of Australia. It’s hard to confirm this would further their foreign agenda, nor does it appear that the eGreek government are participating in this activity.

The eGreek – now eAustralian citizens were approved by Senators of eAustralia and if you are legally giving someone citizenship, you are granting them the right to participate in the politics of this country. End of story.

Situation with eIndonesia
We have been negotiating and things are looking good/favourable. But since the attack and subsequent NE from China, talks have ceased for the moment.

We Will Have a Senate This Month
I can guarantee that we will have a region and a Senate this month.

Concerns Over an MPP With eDenmark
As I stated a while ago, we will be cutting our MPP list from 21 to 12 due to financial necessity. However, thanks to a very kind donation of 10,000 AUD from Senator Mikhail Alexander, we have been able to sign a 13th with the country of eDenmark.

You can find official battle orders here.

I would like to remind all new players to join the forums and to check out the eAus Dept of Education newspaper for tips and competitions to win some rewards. You can find the paper here.

That is all for this update.

Stay strong eAustralia,

-Prime Minister lancer450