Presidential Update

Day 2,725, 22:09 Published in India Armenia by Bombay bomb

Hello Indians and foreign friends,

India has voted and unanimously chosen its CP with almost 90% of the total votes.

I would again like to thank all eIndians and the PPs for uniting! 🙂

I should have published an article regarding my Cabinet earlier but given that eIndia is on zombie mode, I took the liberty of publishing it now! 😛

CP Bombay Bomb

PM Ashwamaedh

MoD Obelisk the Tormentor
vMoD Wittyprakash

MoFA Peter1203
vMoFA Srinjoy Sarkar

MoIA Ananthakrishnan

MoE Anubis.3
vMoE Prabal

MoEntertainement Kunal Grover (UFL)

Since most of eIndia is inactive due to exams and summer vacations (I received many PMs from eIndians about their inactivity), for the next 10 days I will be working behind the scenes and offical activities will start from mid May when most eIndians will be back!

Do not hesitate and feel free to contact anyone of us for any feedback/suggestions.

Signing off