Predictions? Nah, my take on current media

Day 2,656, 20:58 Published in USA USA by Malpazar
Malpazars Muses

Over the past 2-3 days there has been an incredibly large media blitz going on mostly by the members of the Socialist Freedom Party. For the most part I did read their articles as it is my duty as a member of the eUSA to stay informed from all sides. I read the comments, while many were your typical "o7" I noticed one that bothered me.

When I saw this I knew my role in this situation changed drastically. The articles and comments that poked minor jabs here and there for the most part were entertaining, but when someone makes such as strong allegation against my party? Then there is a problem.

That single comment alone, spurred this article that I am making out of passion. You managed to do the one thing that no one in eRepublic has done.

You offended this Pandaren

This image is only slightly a joke

What you may see as killing the game I see as giving all those who ask a chance.
My personal story starts in around October, I had just came back from the game after a long Hiatus and I was looking to do more than fight. I decided that I would finally drop my long standing "no political affliation" and go join a humble but long standing party, the USWP. Now you can say all you can about the USWP but DO NOT say they are the cause of eRep going down.

When I joined the USWP I asked, what can I do for my party and what would they have me do?

Kortanul the Party President of the time knew I was looking for work and offered me a shot in Media. I was astonished that such an offer would be made to a fairly knew party member. I accepted, and write I did.
They set me as the spokesman of the party! I was shocked.

Ever since then I have been amazed with the effective help that the USWP gives to new players and old returning ones always more than willing to let anyone new run for congress, or pursue their aspirations here in game. You can call USWP whatever you want, but in the end to say that they are the cause of eRepublik's problems? Maybe it's poisonous attitudes that are ruining the game.


Would you like to join the USWP? CLICK HERE!