Post Elections / 대선거이후

Day 1,324, 07:17 Published in South Korea Romania by MirceaDrac

Hello South Korea,
안녕하십니까 여러분,

I would like to congratulate my opponent lcome for his victory in today's elections and to thank everyone who voted for me. It was a much better result than I expected and I do not think it was because of one shout .
이번 대선거에서 제경쟁자였던 엘컴님께 축하드립니다 그리고 저에게 투표해주신들에게 감사드립니다. 제가생각했던것보다 아주좋은 결과가 나왔네요 그리고 SHOUT 하나때문이라고는 생각하지 않습니다.

My plans have not changed so I will continue to help eSK as much as I can on all fronts and whenever possible.
그렇다고 제 계획은 바뀌지않았습니다 그러니 전 계속 최선을다해서 대한민국을 돕겠습니다.

I have some advices for the current cabinet and for the new country president.
지금대통령과 다른장관들에게 조언을 하나 하고싶군요

1. Don't isolate yourself from the international stage. You need connections to survive and even more connections to succeed into transforming eSK into a superpower. Get in the EDEN council and be as active as possible.
1. 대한민국을 다른나라들과 연관성을 끊지마세요. 발이넓어야 사는거고 그리고 대한민국이 더욱더 강국이될려면 발이 더욱더 넓어야합니다. EDEN 미팅에가서 최대한 활동적이여야합니다.

2. Make transparent transactions with the state money. I would like you to have a public balance sheet in order to protect the integrity of the cabinet. Don't mix private funds with state money, someone will always gain profit from that.
2. 국고돈을 모두가볼수있도록 해놓는것입니다. 한국 모든국민들에게 돈이어디로갔는지 공개해주셧으면 합니다.

3. Stay united and when you see reasons for division try to find a peaceful solution for that problem and keep following the eSK dream.
3. 연합적이게 됩시다. 싸움같은게 일어나면 최대한 평화로운 해결을 찾으세요. 그리고 대한민국의 꿈을 이룹시다.

4. Don't discriminate anyone. Don't judge a book by it's cover.
4. 그누구도 차별해선 안됩니다. 책을 걷만보고서 평가하지마세요.

God bless South Korea and it's people,
대한민국과 시민들이 축복받기를,
Thank you for translating brandyrocks