PANAM Success!

Day 1,203, 16:21 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

There has been a lot of discussion lately as to the state of the PANAM Alliance. Whether it is as strong as it once was, and what the United States’ role in it would be. Other members have called us out for being poor allies, and some have even called for our removal from the alliance.
But today, we have even more proof that PANAM is a flourishing alliance:

In the last battle of California, waves of Brazilian tanks laid down hundreds of thousands of damage. And today, the French have come to help us.
For those who don’t know why this is important, it is because France and the United States have never been the closest of allies, and for a long while, we were in open war. Although we have courted France in the past (much to the chagrin of Spain), we have never been so formal allies, as we are now. Although I never thought I would write these words, I have never been happier to: